32 ❋ Amelia/Troye

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"So what do you want at the top of the tree, the star or the angel?" Joe held up the two ornaments, one of them a glimmering gold star and the other a crudely fashioned angel that Tyler made when he was a kid.

"The angel, of course. We made a pact that we would always have it at he top, for as long as we lived together."

"You and your roommates?" Joe asked.

"Yup." I said, smiling as I took the small angel from Joe. Her head was a golf ball with two googly eyes stuck to it, with little bits of yellow string glued on top to represent hair.

"It's amazing how close you are with them." Joe said warmly.

"You and Caspar are just as close." I said, smiling at him. He pushed away his messy golden hair and stuck out his tongue.

"We don't have cute traditions like you guys." He said cheekily, winking at me. I lightly nudged him with my shoulder and looked up at the uppermost branch of the tree. It was a synthetic one but it was still tall - I stood on my tip toes and extended my arm as far as it could go, but I still couldn't reach the top. Joe chuckled softly and embraced me around the waist. He lifted me up just a little bit and I managed to place the angel on top. He let me down and I turned around to face him. He kept his arms loosely circled around my waist.

"Do you think your roommates will mind that you set up the tree without them?" Joe asked, and I giggled. He was too considerate for his own good.

"Nah, they won't mind. They'll probably be happy that I got it done. Last year we only put it up on christmas eve..."

"That's bloody terrible Lia." He said playfully. I grinned and he pressed a delicate kiss to my forehead without warning. He then continued to trail kisses down the side of my face and onto the sensitive skin of my neck. When his warm lips brushed over that area I quivered slightly, feeling the fiery ache start to settle in my lower body. I parted my lips as he pressed his mouth on my shoulder blade and even swirled his tongue around a bit.

I was turning into a hot, quivering mess under his simple touch. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced in my life, and I felt my need for his body rise by the second. We started to kiss, our movements becoming heated and desperate.

He was just starting to pull off his shirt and so was I, however we froze when we heard the sound of the front door open and a high pitched laugh ring out.

"Come here! No, don't try and get away from me. I've been waiting all day for thi-" Whoever was speaking stopped suddenly, and all that could be heard was a vague shuffling noise.

I glanced at Joe and his face looked scared. I resisted the urge to laugh out loud and looked back towards the entranceway. Suddenly, two entangled figures emerged from the shadows; two brown haired boys with locked lips. They were completely lost in each other.

It was Troye and Connor. I felt my stomach sink as I watched the two make out very passionately. Joe squirmed uncomfortably and I realised that perhaps now would be the time to say hi.

"Ahem." I said, and I watched as the boys parted from the embrace in surprise and opened their eyes. They both looked terrified. Troye had a particularly guilty look on his face. They slowly came forward until they were closer to the Christmas tree. I could see the mortified expressions on their face more clearly now. Connor was very cute and small, with blue eyes similar to Troye's.

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