15 ❋ Joe

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I thought about Amelia constantly from that day onwards - it seemed like no matter what I did, her beautiful face and gentle laughter would creep into my mind. I kept wishing that I didn't give that photo of her back, however I knew that asking her for it would be a new level of creepy.

We texted each other all the time, and slowly I was starting to get a real sense of who this mysterious photo girl was. There were still a lot of gaps unfilled, but in some ways I didn't mind. Good things come with time.

Sometimes I couldn't believe that Amelia even existed - she seemed too good to be true, like a dream that you never want to wake up from.

A few days after our 'date' - I still wasn't sure how to label the few hours we spent together - I was sitting at home, lounging about as usual. It was currently well past 10 am, yet Caspar was still in bed snoring his head off. I knew because the sound of his snoring was so loud that it seemed to reach every single area of the flat. I couldn't go anywhere without hearing him.

I unlocked my phone and almost subconsciously began to scroll through Facebook. I knew that every second I spent on this couch was a second that could be spent job hunting or applying for a course. Nevertheless, I pushed the thought to the back of my mind and resumed my procrastination without much guilt. Zoe wasn't here to tell me to stop.

I was in the middle of watching a funny video about cats when a message from Amelia lit up the screen. I felt my heartbeat immediately pick up speed, just from one simple message.

Amelia: being sick is actually hell, i feel like someone is pouring lava down my throat

I smiled, staring at the screen for a few seconds before fumbling with the keys and typing out a response.

Joe: Oh no, do you want me to come look after you? :(

Although I was genuinely concerned about her, it was overshadowed by the consuming need to see her again.

Amelia: no you're probably busy or whatever, don't worry about me, I was just bored so I thought I would text you ;)

Joe: I was literally watching a cat video when you texted me, I am definitely not busy. i'm coming over.

Amelia: Omg joe you don't have to

Joe: but I want to :) See you soon

As I got a few things together, I wondered if it was normal to be visiting a sick friend when you've only hung out with them twice. Probably not for most people, but with Amelia it felt like we had been friends for years. There was just the pesky problem of my rapidly developing affection for her - I didn't even know if she shared the sensation of a beating heart and sweaty palms during our meetings. Her brown eyes always gave nothing away.

I knew Caspar probably wouldn't blink an eye at my absence, but I still left him a note for when he woke up. I grabbed a packet of cookies, a few sache's of hot chocolate and a random DVD from our shelf. I was filled to the brim with nervous anticipation - I would not only be seeing her again but I would be seeing the inside of her apartment. I wondered what it was like, whether it reflected her artistic personality.

I took the underground route to her house, and the train ride was spent in nervous anticipation. Hardly anybody was sat in my carriage, so I found myself humming a song under my breath - anything to calm down my fluttering heart.

I remembered her building vividly, and I had no trouble finding it when I got up to the street. I walked through the lobby with sweaty palms, casting fleeting glances at the shabby leather couches and the porter. She gave me the up and down look once again.

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