22 ❋ Dan/Amelia

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I stood still, not breathing or blinking as Amelia walked away from me. I wanted to call out to her but my voice stuck in my throat and I couldn't make a sound.

I stared at the pavement, with all of it's subtle cracks and imperfections. When you looked at it from far away it looked fine, but up close it was full of flaws. Amelia wasn't like that. She was perfect from all angles, all directions. She was too perfect for me.

I heard the employee door creak on it's hinges and I spun around, watching as new guy awkwardly stepped out. My eyes were stinging so I blinked a few times.

"Are you okay?"

Bill or Phil or whatever his name was stood there with his knitted jumper on and glasses drooping down his face. I wanted to laugh but I felt too shitty.

"If you want my honest answer, no, I'm not okay."

His crystal blue eyes widened, as if he was taken aback my my answer. He was probably expecting me to say 'I'm fine' so he could pretend to believe me and carry on with his night. He adjusted his glasses and tentatively stepped out of the shadows and into the dull lamp light.

"Want to talk about it?"

I didn't know this guy, nor did I think he would relate to my problems. But my mood was bitter and I could feel the repressed despair in my gut slowly devouring me from the inside. Bill or Phil or whatever was a stranger, but he was here. That was all I needed.

"My girl just dumped me for someone else."


"Yes, the fucking perfect one with the brown hair and freckles."

"She is very pretty... And kind. She seems like a very interesting person..."

I glared at him. "Not helping mate."

"Sorry... You do... Know my name right?"

Despite my mood I couldn't help but smile. There was just something so endearing about this guy and his awkward antics.

"To be honest I've forgotten."

He grimaced. "I guess honesty is the best policy. It's Phil."

"Oh that's right. Phil who does not wish to be called Phillip."

His grimace turned into a big goofy smile. "And you're Dan who does not wish to be called Daniel."

"Well I don't really give a fuck either way." I said, laughing when he flinched at the curse word.

"Was it a clean break up?" Phil said, and my brief moment of amusement diminished.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I said moodily.

"I mean, did you fight with each other or did you accept the blow?"

It felt like his blue gaze was boring into me, imploring me to confess everything to him. I didn't want to tell him what I said, because I felt ashamed of it. It was unacceptable of me and I wouldn't be surprised if Amelia never spoke to me again. Yet, something told me Phil wouldn't judge.

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