24 ❋ Joe

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Amelia took photos of Dorothy, and I posed beside her for some of them. I even offered to take a photo of Amelia grinning wickedly towards the camera, her fingers pointing to the blow up doll. We left the building with an almost full camera roll, our laughter barely contained.

"I can't believe I did that Joe... I never do stuff like this. I'm really not as interesting as you think I am." She said, her breathing laboured from our sprint race down the stairs of Dan's building.

"I beg to differ." I said, winking at her.

"What's the time?" She asked, her lips set in a smirk and her cheeks flushed.

"It's just past 9:30" I said, watching her curiously as she nodded.

"It's too early to be going home. Do you want to go somewhere?" She said, her eyes full of promise. I couldn't and would never say no to her.

"Where do you have in mind?"

"It's a surprise." She grinned cheekily. "Come on."

Her hand circled around mine and suddenly we were walking fast towards the nearby tube station. The wind was rushing in my ears from the cars speeding by and the breeze that blew through the city.

"Seriously Lia, where are we going?" I whined, squeezing her hand tight as she pulled me down the steps that led into the station.

"You'll see." She said, casting me a sneaky sideways glance.

We took the tube back to the general location of her apartment - it didn't help me in the slightest, because it was obvious we wouldn't be going back to her place. She led me across streets and along footpaths for over half an hour before we came to the outskirts of a familiar park.

"I know this place..." I said while she grinned mischievously at me.

"This is where it all started." She said, looking around the lush park fondly. Although it was night time, overhead lamps cast a glow on the dewey grass surrounding us. She seemed to know exactly where she was going so I followed her dutifully.

"Do you come here a lot?" I asked.

"I used to, back before we met. It's a beautiful place to take photographs. I haven't been here in a while..."

I nodded, letting silence settle between us as we walked briskly along the footpath. I knew where we were headed without even asking.

The bridge looked magical underneath the moonlight. The water rippled softly beneath the wooden slats, showing an ever changing reflection of the speckled sky above. The night air was filled with sounds of leaves rustling in the wind, crickets chirping and the far off noises of the city. When I breathed out a cloud of vapour appeared and then faded, in a matter of seconds.

"Pretty, huh?" She whispered, her face turned upwards to look at the sky.

"Yeah. It's odd, having a place like this in the middle of a city."

"Very. This place reminds me so much of home. We had a little brook on our land as well, and my father always promised to build a footbridge over it one day. That was before Mum died..."

I breathed out again, watching as the tendrils of vapour dispersed from the white cloud and vanished into blackness.

"I should go and see him again. Would you come with me Joe?" She sounded hopeful.

Shutter ❋ Joe Sugg AUWhere stories live. Discover now