10 ❋ Amelia

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"I still can't believe I found you." Joe said while we sat on the tube, speeding through London's underground network of tunnels.

"I'm surprised you did as well." I said, staring into his stormy eyes - they held my interest for way too long, with their flecks of blue, grey and traces of silver. It was fair to say that Joe was attractive, and the thought often crossed my mind whenever he smiled or laughed. I usually pushed it away because it made me feel guilty, thinking of Joe this way when I had Dan to consider.

"I spent hours and hours walking around, just hoping to catch a glimpse of you in the crowds. I even asked people on the street if they knew you." He said, chuckling slightly after he spoke. He lifted his arm up to run his hand through his hair, an action that he seemed to do frequently.

"Did you ever go back to that bench?" I asked, picturing the bridge at the park, with it's quaint charm and mossy wooden planks. The last time I visited the place was a month ago, at three in the morning.

"Yeah I did go back... A few times..." He said, and his voice sounded uncomfortable. It suddenly occured to me that Joe could've been lying about everything - perhaps he didn't spend all that time trying to find me, and he only stumbled on me today by chance.

"I went there everyday for the first two weeks after losing my camera. I never saw you..." I said, eyeing him closely from across the gap between us. The carriage wasn't very busy, seeing as the evening rush was well over. Joe shuffled in his seat uncomfortably, casting his stormy grey eyes to the floor. He looked guilty.

"I actually forgot about the camera for the first two weeks... I'm such an idiot." He said, and he continued to stare at the floor. I smiled at the boy sitting opposite me, with his messy golden hair and frustratingly attractive jaw line. I didn't like seeing him annoyed - because even though I barely knew Joe Sugg, I figured that he deserved to be happy. He seemed like a better person than most.

"Joe, it's okay. We're here now and that's all that matters." I said, smiling as he looked up at me again.

When we arrived at our station Joe seemed reluctant, like he didn't want to get off the train. I thought nothing of it as I followed him out onto the rail-side pavement, which was dirty from thousands upon thousands of feet. As we walked out of the station and up to the street, I pulled out my phone to text Tyler - he and Troye could order Nando's or something.

We were in central London, in the midst of all the important buildings and streets. Only the wealthy could afford apartments in this place, with it's overpriced coffee shops and polished fire hydrants. Joe's apartment building was beautiful, with marble white pillars and old style architecture. When compared to our ratty old building, this place was some kind of palace.

We walked through the plush lobby and into the lift. We were enveloped in quiet after the lift doors shut, and Joe once again ran a hand through his hair. I bit my lip, suddenly nervous - I didn't actually know anything about Joe, and yet I was allowing him to take me back to his flat alone. This was the sort of thing that everyone warned you about.

"I... I have a roommate called Caspar... He's excessively rude, so please don't take him seriously. Oh, and excuse the mess." Joe said when the doors had rolled open and we were walking down the hallway. After the third door on the left, we came to a stop and Joe began to knock loudly.

After about 30 seconds of waiting, I heard an indistinct voice from behind the door. It sounded like they were saying 'Yeah, I'm coming' in a thick South African accent. The door eventually swung open, revealing a lanky guy with a smile that made his eyes crinkle. He had platinum blonde hair and was ridiculously tall - he towered over both Joe and myself. He was dressed in black skinny jeans and a plain black button up with the word 'Monty's' printed in cursive on the pocket.

Shutter ❋ Joe Sugg AUWhere stories live. Discover now