Chapter 45

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Kellen POV;

Another letter. In actual fact, another letter three letters had arrived during my five day stay in Alpha Roheim's pack. My anger surges immediately, and were it not for Dad saying all the letters needed to be kept as evidence – if the contents proved to be false – I'd have immediately thrown them on the fire. However, in this instant all I could do is carelessly shove them, unopened except for two, into a draw in the sitting room where they were least likely to be found. At past midnight on a Friday and having been back only an hour, I was tired from travelling and in no mood to deal with this.

As I wait for Brody, and fuelled by my anger at the letters, I pace the room unsettled while running through various profanities and arguments I would have liked to send back to the sender. "Guess you found your post then," Greets Brody, casually lent against the door and trying not to openly enjoy my frustration, but when he catches my sharp expression, the smile he'd been fighting drops abruptly.

"Well! Have you found anything?" I almost growl at him.

"So far...everything holds up," he tells me wearily, frowning. The colour drains from my face, my stomach drops as sickness pools and my breath hitches.

" I don't believe it! I won't! I can't, it's not possible. For Pete sake, I might have been arrogant back then but I sure as hell wasn't careless!" Just as I yell this, Dad walks in followed shortly by the rest of the family. Rolling my eyes and swearing, I walk towards the window so that I don't have to face them, annoyed that the whole family had somehow become involved in this in the first place.

"Have you told Ana?" Questions Bell softly as she seats herself.

"No, and I don't intend to," I mutter through clenched teeth. Like I wanted Ana knowing about this, I didn't need her knowing just how much of a screw up I'd been. I'd by if she'd ever speak to me again if I told her.

"Darling, are you sure that's wise?" Asks Mom, her voice sounding nearer than the rest.

"This situation is enough of a mess without involving anyone else. Besides, why on earth would I want to worry her with this? I'm sure she's got enough going on without adding this as well!"

"You underestimate her. I'm sure she would rather have you be honest and talk to her about it, rather than keep it from her and have her find it out from someone else," Reasons Mom gently.

"She won't have to find out, because none of you are going to tell her!" I snarl, "In spite of your involvement, this is still my problem and this is my relationship we're talking about. I won't jeopardize it over something so stupid as a false allegation!"

"False it may well – in time – prove to be but for now this is a serious issue, Kellen. Just please, for my sake if not for your own, consider telling Ana?" Pleads Mom. I pinch the bridge of my nose, and focus on calming myself; it was a mild relief but there's only one thing I need and it wasn't here.

"Fine. I'll consider it," I snap. Turning and grabbing my discarded jacket, I head for the door, ignoring their calls after me.

Arriving in front of Ana's pack house, I shut off my headlights and look through the darkness at the dark house, watching as the porch lights turn on. At the door, I knock several times and wait impatiently as I listen to the movement inside the house; the door opens to a slightly taller, well built guy. "Your Majesty?" He bows surprised.

"Kellen, please. Is Ana here?" I look past him and see a couple other of Ana's pack members still up and now watching curiously.

"Yeah, come on in," he stands aside. The other pack members in the room bow, looking between each other awkwardly – not really sure what to do with themselves. "She'll be here in a moment," He tells me, heading for the same door as the others and all of them leave me alone in the room. I roll my shoulders tensely; just as one door closes, Ana's office door opens.

"Kellen?" I turn and there she stands, my peace of mind, in a vest and pyjama shorts with her hair let down, as beautiful as ever. In seconds I've crossed the room and enfolded her up in my arms, taking her by surprise as my nose nuzzles into her hair.

"I've missed you." In response, she snakes her arms around my neck and hugs me tighter, I relax – pulling back, I kiss her deeply thenrest my forehead against hers.

"Tough week?" She smiles lightly, leaning back. I nod, sighing. "Wanna talking about it?"

"Not really. I just need to be with you, do you mind if I stay the night?" She frowns at me, slipping out of my arms... it takes a minute before I realise why – catching her hand, I pull her back to face me. "Hey, hey, hey, I didn't mean it like that. I just wanna sleep." Searching my expression, eventually she nods, smiles and takes my hand...

Lying lie awake for a long time, I contemplate my choice to keep Ana in the dark about the letters and wonder if I'm making the right gaze falls on Ana sleeping peacefully. She looked perfectly at ease with the world, no worries or concerns...I knew I didn't want to be the reason for causing her concern. Between my family and myself, I was certain this issue could be resolved before I had tell her. My only other worry was just how persistent the sender might become, would they go so far as to try and tell Ana? I make a mental note to have a word with Brody about measures being put in place to ensure they wouldn't be able to get anywhere near Ana were they to try. Settled by the thought, I pull her to me and wrap us up together, assured that nothing so stupid would split us up...


Hey everyone! So sorry about this upload being late, I mixed up the upload dates of my two main stories. I apologize. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! Tell me what you think!

COMMENTS & VOTES please! Thank you!

Much love xx

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