Chapter 64

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Brody POV;

"Kel, calm down!" I shout for the hundredth time. Kellen angrily swipes everything off a tabletop in the sitting room. He begins pacing, smashing things as he goes. One of the maids had been foolish enough to check on him despite my orders forbidding all the household staff to approach the Prince without my say so. It was predominantly the maids that set him off, but such specific orders would arouse rumors, so I'd been careful to monitor who had contact with him, ensuring only known and trusted butlers attended to him. Kellen's erratic behavior had meant tactfully maneuvering the movements of all the staff to safeguard against any and all eventualities. Around his family, he was fine, if easily frustrated.

The only time he seemed to be at ease was in the gym, which he'd been using religiously since he'd returned home. He spent most of his time there. Except in the evenings when he joined his family. I stood back to the door, keeping Kellen in and everyone else out. 

"Why does nobody tell me what's going on?" Growled Kellen, chucking another ornament at the door which smashes and joins the rest of the debris. Pointing at me, "I know you know Brody. You're keeping things from me". He makes for the door I'm blocking only to realize a second too late his intention was to corner me. He takes a swing at me, which I narrowly avoid. Since being made to understand he had short term memory, Kellen's behavior and mood swings had become extremely erratic; the doctor had said to anticipate this, but his anger was too unpredictable and put everyone, including me, on edge. We'd considered ordering him to be calmer, but the King didn't wish to do more damage by enforcing orders on him. 

"I don't-" I duck again at his right swipe, then deflect his left one. 

"Don't lie," he snarls, throwing a paperweight which catches my shoulder. I ignore the throbbing pain as I struggle to block the door and refuse to back away from him. "There's something important you're not telling me. About the girl at the hospital" He stalks towards me slowly, picking up I don't know what from the table. The venomous look in his eye chills me and I brace myself for whatever comes next. I assume a defensive position as he raises what I can now recognize as the gold table clock, just as he pulls his arm behind him to throw, his furious expression drops, his whole body turns to stone. All the color drains from his face. His eye widened with his pupils dilating.

"Kellen..." Without out warning Kellen flies at me in his wolf form, I duck as his claws meet the locked door. The shock of Kellen's pure fury nails me to the ground, I watch in awe and fear as he tears into the door, sending wood shards flying – when it doesn't immediately give way, he turns and launches himself out the window, shattering it upon contact. Jones, threat level crimson. Kellen is AWOL. Scrambling to my feet, I dive out the window on two legs and land on four, narrowly avoiding the shattered glass. I push every limb in my body to gain speed. 

What the hell happened? Jones' response is immediate.

I was holding him in the sitting room, he was raging then just froze. Next second, he's completely murderous. Launched himself out the window. I've never seen a wolf move so fast, maybe it was my imagination, but I swear he was twice his usual size. A cold feeling travels down our communicative link. I keep my nose close to the ground following Kellen's scent as I wait for a response. Jones?

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