Chapter 54

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Kellen POV;

It had been quite the eventful day. Ana wasn't talking to me, and I hadn't seen her after the initiation ceremony, owing to the tradition of the pack taking their new members for their first pack run. To be honest, I don't know why I was here, I knew Ana didn't want to see me – she'd made that clear by ignoring all my attempts to communicate with her. Yet, here I was. Outside her pack house, waiting for her to return with her pack. Nobody knew I was here... it was easier that way and I preferred it. My family just didn't understand. They continue talking about how amazing she is; a well-honed fighter, a controlled leader and how she owns the word Prowess as if it were made for her, all of which points to the makings of a great future queen! They spoke as if I wasn't in the room, did they do it deliberately to inflict pain on me? It worked. I already knew I didn't deserve her, I'd been selfish and had been hurting her to protect myself. I didn't need these constant reminders of just how much I fell short when it came to my role as Ana's mate. All of it were the reasons I'd come, despite not being wanted.

I contemplated several things I wanted to say, rehearsing some lines but none of them felt right. There was so much Ana deserved, so much more than I'd given her, and I'd come hoping to try and repair the damage I'd done. Apologise and explain myself, lay everything in front of her. Every truth, no more lies or secrets. Man up, admit to my mistake, own them and hope Ana could forgive me.

From my left, I hear twigs snapping. I smile, despite my low mood, an automatic reaction when I knew I'd be seeing Ana. I didn't see it coming, I only feel the pain as I'm hit forcefully round the side of the head, then darkness...

When I wake, I'm blindfolded and sitting on a chair with my hands bound rather tightly behind my back. I try flexing my wrists to win some movement but my bindings burn into my skin as they digs deeper. "Nice of you to join us, your majesty. Have a nice nap?" Begins a voice, that strikes a nerve. It was that voice! The one from the dream, the one who'd killed Ana. I strain to locate where the voice is coming from. In front of me, in the far-right corner of the room, I would guess this room to be enclosed since the speaker's words bounce off the walls. We must be underground, I strain my senses to detect more... My curiosity is greeted by a punch to the stomach in the soft spot between my ribs, immediately followed by one to the other side of my face. I cough, bending forward winded and nauseated as I spit out the blood collecting in my mouth. The tangy metallic taste making me gag further. Sitting up was an impossibility "Bad taste in your mouth, your Highness? My apologies, let me fix that." My chair is kicked backwards, I groan as my stomach aches at being tipped over and now having to sit straight. My wrists are crushed beneath my own weight, the ropes seizing the opportunity to tighten and dig in further. I try to rock somehow but fail miserably. The air through my nose is cut off as my attacker holds it while pouring water in my mouth. I choke, desperate for air, but all I get is water.

"Hey!" Shouts a new voice, alarmed. "What the hell are you doing? This isn't part of the plan!" I'm on the edge of losing consciousness when the water stops. My nose is released, I gasp, spit, choke, cough and throw up in my mouth, again trying to roll to the side but the bindings of my hands behind my back and my feet to the chair dutifully strap me. There's a sound of a scuffling feet.

"Stay out of this!" Snarls the voice.

"Not likely. You're about to ruin everything, you never said anything about killing him!" Returns the other angrily.

"I'm not gonna kill him, just teach him a lesson." Without warning, I'm being hit from all angles; punches and kicks wherever they can reach, my ribs popping like bubble wrap. My body heats all over, there isn't an inch of me that doesn't feel searing pain, my face wet from the coat of blood I now wore. My eyes are watery and swollen. I can't breathe, the sharp pains in my sides are excruciating, my head throbs with the feeling like that of a balloon filled with too much air, about to pop. When my attacker breaks, breathing heavy from the exertion of beating me within in an inch of my life, I'm hanging on by a thread. My body weak with pain and completely shattered, broken. "You don't deserve her." He scorns, suddenly quite close to me, and then just like the first time, everything goes black. 


Hey everyone! 

I'm so sorry about not uploading sooner, I'm awful! Pleaseeee forgive me? My memory is so bad. Anyway, here is another chapter, be it over a month late! I hope you enjoyed it! What did you think? 


Next upload; February.

I won't put a date on it cause I don't wanna disappoint you guys by forgetting or something, so it can be a surprise! 

Much love <3 

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