Chapter 62

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Anastasia POV;

My feet were killing me. Heels were a bad idea. Chad didn't let me out of one dance, he recruited and encouraged my pack members to keep me from running away and on the dancefloor instead. I couldn't say I was annoyed about it, between dances somehow my drink was always full so not only did my feet hurt, my stomach was killing me from laughing so much. Being tipsy loosened up my inhibitions and I was having an amazing time. I hadn't laughed this much in so long, it made me realize how miserable I'd been feeling.

"Come on Ana, one more dance?!" Says Chad pulling a puppy dog face. Comically, Rick, Samson and Nix all appear beside him pulling the same face.

"Pah! No, my feet are killing me, and I need something to drink that will actually hydrate me." I tell them giggling. I don't wait for their responses since they might be able to change my mind, I head towards the bar at the back of the tent. "Water please." I smile at the bartender.

"Prowess." Greets an unfamiliar voice, sitting one stool away from me. Wearing a black suit, the stranger had cropped blonde haired styled like a surfer, strong cheek bones and dark green eyes. He was attractive. He looked to be in his twenties, but my gut instinct told me he was older than he looked. I recognized him, though I couldn't pinpoint where from, my fuzzy brain couldn't make the connection. He let me assess him visually, before showing off his set of white teeth. "Don't worry Prowess, we haven't met before, which is a crying shame. Alpha Reece Devon, a pleasure to meet you." He introduces, holding his hand out.

My brain clicked as soon as I heard his name. I'd read about him in magazines; despite being in his early thirties, Alpha Devon was not actively looking for his mate, which raised a few eyebrows in the werewolf world. "Alpha," I go to shake his hand, but he lifts mine to his lips while maintaining eye contact. I pull my hand away quickly.

"It's unfortunate, is it not, that we reside on different sides of the North?" He smiles easily, rotating the drink in his hand so the ice chinks. There was something about his that put me on edge. "We never cross paths."

"You're a long way from your territory. You've made quite the journey to gatecrash this party." I change track, Alpha Devon's territory was at least three days travel from here. He didn't end up here by accident.

"I was invited." He acts offended. Liar.

"You and I both know its bad practice to lie to another Alpha, or in my case, Alphress. This party is for the pack members and families of Alpha Almound, Alpha Riggs and myself." In other words, don't lie to me you slimy son of Bitch. Did he really think I didn't help draw up the guest list?

"My apologies, you appear to have lost your good mood and my attempt at humor is falling flat at your feet. I think you'll find I'm not the only Alpha here to gatecrash. I believe Alpha Salim and Alpha Packson are also here. Unlike them, I thought I'd pay my respects and introduce myself since we are not acquainted. It's a shame, I hoped to make you feel at ease and have instead achieved the opposite." Everything he'd just said sent off alarm bells. Chad, Jeremy, it appears a few Alphas have gatecrashed. I'm currently speaking with Alpha Devon, he says that Alpha Salim and Alpha Packson are also here.

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