Chapter 75

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Kellen POV:


My head throbs, feeling as if it would crack open any second. Every inch of my body bathes is crippling pain. Burning me alive would hurt less that this.


Sweat drips off me, saturating the bed sheets. I scream and writhe, grinding my teeth as I pull against the restrains shackling me to the bed. Inside my mind, my wolf's claws scrape against the walls of my mind like nails on a chalkboard as he suffers with me. "AGHHHHH" I scream at the roof.


"Sedate him." Says a voice from somewhere outside of my field of view.


"Is that wise?" someone questions. Is that Dad? I couldn't tell, the voice isn't clear enough. Dammit, somebody end this pain!


"That's what the western woman is saying." That's Brody, I would recognise that arsehole's voice anywhere.


"Can she be trusted?" Asks the unknown.


"BRODY!" I scream, renewing the effort of yanking my wrists free. "DO SOMETHING DAMMIT. AGHHH" My adrenaline spikes at hearing the bed wood begin to split.


"We haven't got a choice. Do it now."


Someone approaches, but I can't keep my eyes open long enough against the pain to get a good look at them. I yank harder at the restraints. Just as I tear the bed post off, something pinches in my arm and my eyes grow heavy.




Waking, I sit up and survey the unfamiliar room. The bed post I remember ripping off had been repaired. It's light outside; I check the clock on the bedside, 10.00AM.


Immediately my thoughts go to Ana and whether she's okay. My wolf hits me hard with a flurry of memories all at once; being kidnapped, hospital, hurting Ana's feelings by not knowing who she was, losing my temper...a lot. All of our fighting...


The memory image of Ana covered in blood haunts me, turning my stomach and causing me to break out in sweat again. Assessing my bond with her, I feel certain Ana is out of danger, I'm sure of it – our bond feels strong, stronger than before.


Guilt, grief, many emotions begin overwhelming me, reducing me to more pain at how much suffering I'd caused. Wiping treacherous tears off my face, I rub my wrists realising they are no longer restraints. A dull ache pounds behind my eyes but nothing to what I woke up to last night.


The bedroom door clicks open, I whip my head round as a woman in a black cloak with shockingly white hair and eyes enters the room, followed by Dad and Brody who give the woman space.


I sit up, my back stiff as a board as I roll out the tension in my shoulders and get out of bed. Dad and Brody switch their cautious gazes between me and the woman. "Ever heard of knocking?" I mutter, ducking into the en-suite. I shut the door behind me and strip off my sweaty, damp boxer briefs. "Yo Brody?" I shout as I switch on the shower while surveying what I had to work with to clean up.

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