Chapter 44

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Other POV;

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY WERE PREPARED?!" He seethes down the phone.

"She had pack members patrolling her territory; they caught my rogues the moment they stepped over her border. You're obsession with her just had one of my best two rogues killed-"

"We have a deal Tyran!" he snarls menacingly. "All you have to do is provide the man power, and we both get what we want; the break down of the monarchy. By this information, I take it you failed?" He rubs his temples in a attempt to calm his frustration. Howdare they fail? He'd deliberately insured the Prince would be out of the picture to make this whole thing possible, and they fail? However, he couldn't deny that he was impressed by the Prowess's premeditated preparation....

"Don't talk down to me. I'm doing you a favour with this deal, us rogues don't have to listen to anybody so consider yourself bloody lucky this is even happening," snaps Tyran. "Besides, the back up plan we've set in motion is on track. His reaction to the letter is exactly as Janine predicted, she's certain he hasn't told the Prowess it's content, however he has told his family- they've been making inquires."

"How are you getting around that one?" This news is pleasing. Perhaps his plans to ruin the newly formed royal couple could still go forward, after all he'd set enough balls rolling to ensure a fall for the Prince. With a few of the Alphas, not already in the Prowess's favor, unsettled by the idea her pack will be advantaged by her relationship, he was sure their was already some tension between the couple - if not by this then most definitely by the letter.

"We've got people working on it. Everything will be ready for the next ball; the reveal of the Prince's public scandal will ruin him."

"Perfect.This will most definitely damage their relationship!" He muses gleefully; the Prince didn't deserve the Prowess, "I'm intrigued to see how the Prowess will handle the scandal, if indeed she doesn't know... I'll enjoy watching the show."

"Whatever... I don't see why you're so set on her, but each to his own I guess. Just make sure it doesn't screw anything up."

"Don't question my ability Tyran," He sneers angrily. "Any ineptitude will not be on my side - enough red-herrings have been put in place to ensure my anonymity. Now, if that's all, I don't want to hear from you unless you have updates for me. Understand?"

"I don't need your Alpha tone telling me what to do." Snaps Tyran hanging up - leaving him brooding. Sliding the book shelf in his office aside, he opens the door hidden behind and enters what many would label a shrine; he looks closely at the many pictures of the Prowess he'd acquired and collected. They displayed her doing a range of things from making pack visits to going shopping, and in each and every one of them her expression was composed and controlled.

He hated and admired her in equal amounts, after all for a woman doing a man's job she was doing well. He'd tracked her from the moment she'd become the Prowess, and everything about her fascinated him. Yet at the same time he despised that she'd ever been allowed to become a leader, how dare she defy generations and traditions?! His aim was to restore order, yet keep the Prowess to himself some how. To do this, he needed to take the Prince out of the equation and put himself in his place.

Stroking one particularly close up photo of the Prowess's face, his impatience and eagerness demanded that the next ball hurry forwards so that his plans and his aims would be able to take shape...


Short chapter, I know, but this was spur of the moment so it wasn't planned. All the same though, I hope you enjoyed it and I decided to upload a day earlier than I'd said I would to avoid upload clashes between my stories .

COMMENTS & VOTES please! Tell me what you are all thinking so far?!

Next upload; Saturday 8th August

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