Chapter 2

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Anastasia POV;

The pack had been driving me crazy today; since today was Crown Prince Kellen’s birthday, everybody was running around like headless chickens trying to prepare for his annual birthday ball. The boys were helping their mates find everything they needed and weren’t going to leave enough time for themselves to get ready, rolling my eyes I claimed their attention.

“HEY!” the whole pack froze where they were; even the mates had frozen, having come to terms and realized that I was in charge; the mates now followed the same orders the guys did. Lowering my voice, I continued, “Now boys, go and find your suits; the ladies will be ready by the time we have to leave, they shall meet you in the car park,” when they didn’t move I got annoyed. “NOW!” I yelled, watching them quickly scatter with just enough time to kiss their mates.

“So girls, do you all have your dresses?” I asked letting out a heavy sigh. When they all replied yes, I got up from the dining room chair I’d been sitting in and went to help them continue getting ready.

“Rick, go with the guys, sort everything out and don’t forget to change yourself,” I said giving him a meaningful look as he left the room. Rick was my beta, my second in command, he was used to the way I ran things and had to laugh at the new pups in the pack at their clueless-ness. Rick, after I first became in charge, had helped me get a grip on things and because of that we’d been best friends ever since.

Rick’s mate Chanel, was also one of my best friend! Chanel and I had grown up together since our fathers were friends; when I took command of the pack she had come to see what it was like with me being in charge and Boom! That’s how her and Rick met and mated each other.

Once the girls were all ready Chanel turned to me, eyed me then said, “Ana, you’re not ready” she frowned, I shrugged.

“Girls!” I shouted and they were quickly quiet. “If you’re all ready, follow Chanel out to the car park and Rick will then tell you which carriage you will be in. Now go,” I ordered.

“Ana, you’ve got a visitor!” I heard Chanel’s voice call from the door; looking up to the door across the room I heard a knock.

 “Send them in then go ahead, I’ll meet you there.” Nodding, Chanel led the girls out to the car park where the carriages would be waiting. A minute later I heard a knock at my office door.

“Prowess,” greeted a familiar voice. Turning around, I saw stood in the doorway my ex boyfriend, Chad Riggs; we had dated a while until I had broken it off because he was becoming too obsessive and controlling. Ever since he’d been fairly nice but I still held suspicions that until he found his mate, he would always have some form of feelings for me. Along with that my Dad, Ex Alpha Maine Wolfe, and him were close; Dad had tried to persuade me to get back with Chad after it ended but even Dad couldn’t argue with my insistence for long, especially since he had passed down the authority to me upon his falling ill.

“Alpha Riggs, what can I do for you?” I asked distracted but with my Prowess voice. I was going to be late for the ball, not that I minded since I wasn’t very fond of them, but my pack were one of the packs on inside security tonight and I had to be there to supervise.

“I’ve been to see your Dad, he wanted me to pass onto you that after the ball tonight he’d like you to call him,” said Chad gazing at me intently.

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