Chapter 11

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Kellen POV;

The order of the check according to which packs would be visited had been changed; the Prowess's pack would now be the last pack to be visited, much to the disappointment of Bell. Father had reconsidered the order due to it being more convenient if we made of way across the north, instead of traveling to the edge of the border and making our way back inward.

We had made our way through a quarter of the packs so far and everything with them seemed to be as good as expected. I had developed a close relationship with the Alphas, their pack members and the villagers; many had expressed their hope in my soon being reunited with my mate, to which I had given as best an unaffected reply as I could manage.

The names and files on the four girls named Ana that George had given me, I had already looked through and having visited the packs the girls belonged to, I had been very disappointed to find that none them were my mate. However private conversations between them and me had taken place and they had suggested that maybe she didn't check in or had checked in with her pack and not individually. Forming the question in my mind...had my mate checked in at the ball?

Arabelle voiced a curious thought after I mentioned what the Ana's had said about my mate maybe not checking in as we were on the way to see the next pack.

"Kellen, are sure Ana is her real name?" asked Bell frowning.

"What do you mean Bell?" Maxim asked before I could.

"Well you asked George for the names and files on girls named Ana and you've seen them all, so I'm thinking what if Ana wasn't her real name but her nickname? She might not have thought about it at the time but if her friends and family call her by her nickname, she'd have given you her nickname because that's what people call her" summarized Bell. That got me thinking.

"Bell has a good point Kellen. We'll have George have the whole guest list and a list of those who didn't attend ready for us when we get back but that doesn't mean you might not find her in the pack's we still have to visit." Said Mom turning to look at Dad and then giving me a stern look.

"Mm, thank you. Ana's short for a lot of things though; Annabelle, Liana, Annalee ect." I frowned, rubbing my temples. "This gets more and more complicated." I muttered.

"Kellen if she's already reached out to you then she's bound to try and contact you again soon" spoke Sophia gently. "Think about it from her point of view. At the ball she had to make a decision; risk her pack and herself being found, possibly even killed, by rogues in staying with you or take her self away from you and protect you both."

"Your mate obviously puts pack responsibilities before personal ones, if this is the case then I'm glad she's very sensible. That is the kind of Queen the kingdom will need and the kind of mate you should feel lucky to have as future King. I'm very proud of the mate you have Kellen, even if I haven't met her yet." Added Dad in a voice projecting the proudness he spoke of.

"I agree. That would be a very difficult decision to make, especially as a mate. Her Alpha must be taking extract precautions to keep her out of harms way for both your sakes. I can tell your mate and I shall get along very easily!" Smiled Mom.

"I will too, she definitely knows her fashion. I mean the girl's a walking freaking supermodel! Did you see what she was wearing? You can't buy a dress tailored like that. It had to be hand made! And she was practically overflowing with confidence!" stated Bell with defeat as she finished. I smiled, loving the impression my mate had on my family; they loved her before they'd even met her! This brought my mood up considerably; I loved talking about her, thinking about her, anything to do with my Ana and I loved it! Before I ran off with my thoughts again I tuned back into the current conversation.

"Yes, I fully agree with Bell, I have a lot to learn from her, Kellen." Sophia said honestly with a sincere look in her eye. I smiled my thanks but in truth it only made my yearning for my Ana that much stronger.

"I'd say she could give the Prowess a run for her money but since we haven't met the Prowess yet either, I can't apply that here." Chuckled Maxim. The others let out a few murmurs and chuckles before Bell spoke again.

"The only person I can envy more than Kellen's mate is the Prowess." Stated Bell matter of factly. Maxim and I frowned, Mum and Dad turned to look at her curiously and Sophia agreed.

"How can you envy someone you've never met or seen a picture of?" Maxim asked practically reading my mind.

"How can I not?! Her reputation alone is impressive; it spread like wild fire when she took over her pack. Not to mention the fact that to any girl she's a role model as a female leader! Since she is the first ever female leader of a werewolf pack in history. Every Alpha I've spoken with that has met her says that not only is she an impeccable leader, her personality can barely be flawed! Hell, the unmated Alphas who've met her said that she has it all in the looks department as well. I can't think of a single reason not to envy her!" sighed Bell with exasperation.

"I think the Prowess should be more worried about your girl crush on her Bell. You sound pretty much obsessed with her." I chuckled. Bell threw me an evil dirty look for that one.

"And remember how her pack spoke of her; you can't deny that their pure loyalty to her wasn't something to be admired." Persuaded Sophia raising her brows.

"I see your point. I never looked at it like that before." Admitted Maxim his expression turning thoughtful. Before anymore was said the carriage stopped and we arrived at the next pack house to loud applause and cheers, the conversation forgotten temporarily as we stepped out and took over our roles.


Helloooo everyone! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and are having a great new year so far! I'm sorry for the late uploads but as always, you have great patience with me and I will forever greatful to you all

VOTES & COMMENTS please! Much love

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