Chapter 69

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*WARNING, contains strong language written in Latin so translate at your own risk*

Anastasia POV:

The next morning, I'm up early. Chanel doesn't take as long as she easily styles my hair in loose waves, pinning it back at the sides with butterfly clips. She keeps my makeup subtle and natural complimenting my outfit choice of stretchy black three-quarter jeans, with a large button up shirt tucked loosely in at the front and a long gold necklace to complete the look. Violetta knew my style taste so well, another outfit that wasn't a far cry from befitting my Prowess and gave my confidence a boost.

It didn't escape my notice either that my plate of food at breakfast was portioned for more than one person. Although neither Mum nor Jones' expressions gave anything away, I wasn't fooled, and for their benefit, I ate more than I wanted to.

We were at the Palace by mid-day. The first order of business is a tour of the gardens, which are spectacular. The gardens are organized efficiently; a huge section of the garden is dedicated to growing fruits and vegetables. Not only did they have an orchard but also at the bottom of the garden were two massive greenhouses; one for fruits and vegetables which preferred an indoor climate, and the second full of the most exquisite flowers of all colors and fragrances, none of which I recognized or could name. "We take great pride in everything we grow" said the King pridefully. "Everything grown on the grounds is used in one way or another to feed and decorate the household. If we have any excess, it is distributed equally among the nearby villages."

King Alf and Queen Maryanne take up King Jacques and Queen Alarna in conversation about maintaining and fertilizing the gardens, also asking the question that intrigued me since we'd begun the tour; how did they make them bloom almost in winter? I don't fully catch the answer and instead settle into half listening as I enjoy and savor the beautiful fragrances of the flowers nearest. As we leave the green houses, I take to admiring a lovely blue-purple flower growing just next to the entrances of the greenhouses. I love the color, dark enough to be blue yet light enough to almost be purple.

"A bachelor's button, apparently." Begins Maxim certainly, with an air of superior knowledge. A pair of glasses to look down his nose on and the act would be complete. I snort, arching my brow at his persona. "According to the leaflet anyway" he grins cheekily, winking as he gives up his source. "Between you and me, I'm really hoping for a sparring session once they've show us the training grounds."

"That would be good. I'd support that." I smile, pleased at the opportunity to achieve my own secret hopes of sparring. I needed a good spar; all my bottled-up emotions were like a dam fit to burst. A good spar would release some of the pressure.

"Brilliant. I know Bell will be up for it too so I'll see if I can wrangle it into the conversation. Fancy a spar against me? I like to think I could take you..." He says looking around, before adding lower "Prowess" he grins with challenge.

"Now now, your highness, I wouldn't want to damage the crown jewels." I tell him airily before throwing him a dark smirk. Maxim bursts out laughing, drawing the attention of the others.

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