Chapter 21

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Kellen’s POV

Although we’d won the fight, I felt very much the loser; Ana had not only been involved but nearly killed during the fight. After we’d won, we were swiftly escorted back to the palace and once inside, I headed straight for my room. Slamming my door angrily, I begin pacing in an effort to sort my agitated thoughts.

How could nobody have been protecting Ana throughout the fight? As her mate I should’ve prevented her from getting hurt, and to the best of my ability I tried, however even in spite of this the packs should’ve known to protect her. Hell! Her own pack was there and should’ve protected her! I knew myself well enough to know that the only reason I wanted to blame the other packs was because I had failed. I had failed to protect my people, I had failed to protect my family, but most painfully regretful of all, I had failed to protect my mate, Ana.

Yanking off my shirt, I carelessly toss it across the room before turning every infesting feeling of anger, frustration and worry on the punch bag hung heavily in the corner of my room. Upon having drained myself of energy, I slump miserably across my bed giving in to every horrid feeling as I let myself be consumed by the darkness of my fears within my subconscious.

For the rest of the day and following week, I distanced from my family, unable to stand being in anyone’s company. Not being able to stand either their pity for Ana’s injuries or conversations that would predictably lead to that topic. Continually, I checked up on Ana when she allowed me into her mind and despite always blocking me from reading into her injuries, irony began to set in as she always saw through my pretenses of being ‘fine’ only to end up comforting me about what had happened.

Although my family were worried, they let me be and allowed my space because though they couldn’t fully understand, they sympathized greatly. Wandering artlessly around the palace gardens, I shuffle heavily towards a hidden part of the garden where I’d recently settled for taking refuge. Cowering behind the leaved curtains of an impressively sized willow tree stood, in the corner to attention, an aging arch presented itself; following the familiar path leading the way through the arch to a small, all be it cozy, little garden.

Centered proudly, lay a natural looking pond, with a mini fountain in the middle creating the calm sound of waves crashing against the shore and reeds protecting its edges as well as its content; a group of Koi fish, swimming contently. The rest of nature beautifully molded her-self to the confining walls of the garden in such a way as to make the gentle pond the main feature and the delicate, different coloured roses a sensory teaser.

Taking the path around the pond, past the carefully situated ancient statues and well planted, deliciously smelling shrubbery, I locate my goal. Hanging comfortably from two proud standing oak trees was a hammock, which added to the comfort of this perfectly carved safe retreat. Here it was calm, peaceful and relaxing; the fresh smell of roses coupled with the sound of flowing water created a very therapeutic effect.

Collapsing carefully, exhaustively back into the hammock, I push off the ground with one foot to set the swinging in motion. Sighing deeply, I let my mind wander as my eyes close. Worrying usually made everything worse, especially when Ana would contact me and see all the thoughts consuming me in guilt.

Swiftly changing thought track, I begin thinking about my role as Prince and the responsibilities it entailed. As much distance as I wanted to put between myself and everything that wasn’t Ana, I would never abandon my responsibilities to our people nor the faith they bestow in me. Meetings and discussions that had take place recently, surrounded a old policy we thought ought to be reformed, which was to define the position of relatives/members of family of pack members, particularly females, as well as any other wolfs not assigned to a pack.

The issue had never been raised in the past due to traditional scripts quenching any need for deliberation. The texts stated a policy insisting that no female purpose within a pack existed aside from being a mate, because although females could turn into wolves when they became age 16, they weren’t needed. However in the last few years’ females, insisting this policy be revised, filed many complaints. Though equality remained constantly enforced and adhered to by all, the necessary instatement of the Prowess as a pack leader broke tradition, causing a stir of discussion relating to the policy.

A final conclusion had been drawn; we intended to have all females as well as any other relatives of pack members or additional no-relative wolves initiated into the packs based on where their ties claimed them or the territory in which they resided and it would be up to the pack leaders to assert jobs/roles equally among the pack.

Thoughts of the new policy pulled me out of my recollections as I remembered a meeting our family had called to take place during the afternoon, regarding the subject. Lazily dragging myself from the comforts of the hammock, I gained my feet before starting to head back towards the palace. To prevent myself looking into the concerned expressions of my family, I always successfully endeavored to clear my mind and focus on the task at hand, to assist me through the process. This would sustain me until I next had time alone or heard from my Ana.

As I reached the palace, I compose my expression to ensure no emotion could be read there by anybody I passed on my way to the conference room. Staff stared with worried looks on their faces as I passed, but I ignored them; taking the stairs briskly, I reached the landing losing no time in taking the right with a now slower step. Stopping in front of the important looking mahogany door, I pushed it open and stepped in. Taking my seat on Dad’s right hand side, I ignored the concerned pairs of eyes following my movements. From the moment I sat down, I already yearned for seclusion…


 Heyyy everyone! Got my results back today and I'm really happy with how they turned out! :D I'm so greatful for all your support!

I'm planning on maybe 1 or 2 more uploads this month because I'd like to get to the exciting parts coming up ;D mwahaha, so keep your eyes open for more uploads!

Thank you all for being amazing and sticking with Ana & Kellen so far, they've still got a way to go yet ! ;) COMMENTS & VOTES Please! <3 MUCH LOVE <3

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