Chapter 43

11K 458 10

Anastasia POV;

Rather than deliberate on what had called Kellen away, I call a pack meeting for 6pm that evening and command that any and all prior commitments any of them had made for the evening be cancelled. The information Rick had given me was both worrying and too vital to wait. In the mean time, Rick and I focus on strategies and solutions, I also leave messages with the bordering Alpha's to get back to me ASAP. A knock at the door and Mick's head peeks around, "Everyone is back and ready for you Ma'am."

"Thank you. We'll be right through." Collecting all the papers strewn out across my desk, I assemble everything I need and as Rick and I step out of my office the anxious faces of our pack members greets us as we take our seats. "First of all, thank you all for dropping you're commitments. I understand that I've had you all very busy today with the changes we're making for the new policy and I appreciate all you're hard work. However, an issue was brought to my attention the day before yesterday that cannot wait; it appears southern rogues are trying infiltrate south facing packs, which includes ours. Alpha Riggs informed me that small attacks, suspected to be rogues, have been happening within his pack - he suspects these are to divide his pack. Investigations into our own pack villages reveals a similar number of separates petty crimes and attacks, Rick and I have personally investigated these and have reached the same conclusion. Thankfully, nobody has been injured as of yet..." I nod at Rick to continue.

"The changes required by the policy have disarmed the packs, we're all so focused on meeting the policy deadlines that we're not watching our backs. We think the rogues are using this to their advantage.."Says Rick seriously.

"For the protection of our villages, we've devised for groups of twos and threes to patrol the pack territory surrounding the villages. These will initially be night shifts as this seems to be a rogue prime time; we've created a shift timetable for the next month. Ladies, except for Kelly, you're not exempt from this." At this, the boys start to protest, "Enough!" I snap, they silence, "this is not up for discussion. Boys, you will take the first week of shifts, which will give me time to personally train the ladies and the pups. Vince and Mine, can I count on you to help with this?" They nod, determined. "Good, in the mean time - I'll be contracting companies in our territory to handle the new pack builds, with the aim of shifting attention away from the rise of attacks and giving you all the time and focus I want on this issue. Any questions?"

"Will the royal family be informed?" Enquires Nix.

"No. With the support of our neighbouring Alphas, I'm hoping this issue will be resolved before they have to be informed." Although I wasn't entirely certain of my own statement, I didn't want to have to inform Queen Maryanne until it became unavoidable, and I had already decided to keep this from Kellen as a pack matter.

"Can I tell Olivia?" Asks Robby cautiously.

"No. This matter is to stay within this pack only. As arrangements between Alpha Almound and myself as to Olivia position have not been finalised, she remains a member of his pack, and I still await his reply from my enquiries about attacks within his territory. This is asensitive issue, and will be treated as such under the pack confidentiality clause. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Ma'am," Bows Robby, his mouth down-set.

"Good. Samson and Mick, you have the first shift tonight, stay behind aftervplease and we shall go through you patrol route. Every body else, if there are no further questions, you may get back to your assigned tasks."

* * * *

That night, I sleep lightly - unnerved by troublesome dreams... Suddenly I wake, bolting up right as a feeling of unease sweeps through me. My eyes instinctively stare at the small rectangle of light on the wall in front of me, I'd forgotten the close the curtain above my bed, which would close off this intrusion of light. I wait many minutes, completely alert and breathing shallow, for what I didn't know... but then a shadow of a wolf pauses outside the window, framed in the rectangle- my heart beats loudly and erratically.

Mick, Samson, report to me now. I think immediately, my gaze transfixed on the shadow as I pick up on its sniffing around the frame, trying to find a way in...

Samson here Ma'am, Mick is down - attacked from behind, there were two Rogues, I'd just begun fighting one when he was taken down. I've just chased theother off territory and I'm back with Mick now. I've already told Anya where were are, she's on her way and I was about to inform you. I momentarily look through his mind and take note of his surroundings before refocusing on the shadow, which had now slipped out of sight.

There is still a rogue loose on the territory, it just passed my window - I'm going to deal with it, I'll come and find you when I'm done. Stay safe. I'm already dressed and silently unlocking the window as he replies with'You too, Ma'am'. Lithely, I slip out through the small margin allowed by the window and phase quickly; following the rogue's scent, I find that it hadn't gone very far. Leap unsuspectingly on it's back, I sink my teeth into it's shoulder blade; it yelps, surprised, before forcing us to roll - snapping ferociously, it manages to throw me off its back. Swiftly gaining my feet, we circle as we assess each other, I try to change the direction of the circle toc lockwise but it lunges, misses and once again we circle the same way- its left side must be weaker.

I try several attacks to the left but picking up on my tactic, the rogue reverses the attack and manages to sink its claws and teeth into my side; snarling, I swing it off and struggle to regain my footing. Having created an advantage over me, I let it think it has the upper hand as I feign a leap to the right - anticipating the move the rogue does exactly what I expect it too, but at the last second I swerve and attack its left side, tackling it. Holding the advantage, I make quick work of finishing it off.

Remaining in wolf form, I do perimeter around the house to make sure there aren't anymore. Boys, I want you all awake now! There has been a rogue attack, I took one down on the east side ofthe house, Mick has been injured and Samson took down the other. I want a full perimeter of our territory. Go in twos I slam the message into all of their unconscious minds and almost immediately they're sleepily dragging themselves out of bed. Rick, Puck, take the north side. Brandon, Mine - the east side, Vince, Robby - the west side. Nix, you and I will take the south side. Samson, stay with Mick and keep me informed. We'll convene at the front of house, I want updates. Go!

Three hours later and Anya is treating the injuries my adrenaline had made me forget about... The boys hadn't found any more rogues lingering about in our territory, but a scent trail had been found, which confirms they'd come from the south. However, something piqued me about the whole and I just couldn't put my finger on what it was....


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Next upload = 26th July

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