Chapter 38

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Anastasia POV;

So this was it; the moment of unveiling... subconsciously I hold my breath as I shut my eyes. Gently, Kellen slowly removes my mask and pulls it away from my face. The room was silent, allowing me to notice Kellen stop breathing; with nothing left to hide behind, I open my eyes and gaze up at him curiously, his expression unfathomable. Well hello Angel... He thought softly. I blush.

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" He chuckles, ducking to peck me lightly on the lips before lifting my chin, enabling me to see the amused admiration in his eyes. He winks. I roll my eyes again but grin, suddenly becoming aware of our audience applauding loudly. At the end of another dance and in one of the very few brief glances I spare from Kellen, I spot my parents grinning broadly as they watch us.

"Would you like to meet me parents?" I ask tentatively, not really sure where meeting the parents fits in with all this.

"I'd love to!" He grins, a momentary hesitation in his step as I take his hand. My grin didn't leave my face as we reach them and I duck to give them both kisses on the cheek, bending down to meet Dad in his wheelchair and then standing back beside Kellen as he wraps an arm securely around my waist. "Mum, Dad, this is my mate, Crown Prince Kellen, Kellen these are my parents, Maine and Claire." I introduce proudly.

"It's a honour to meet you both," Says Kellen formally, stepping forward to shake hands with Dad before taking Mum's hand to kiss it like a true gentleman. "I can see now where Ana gets her stunning looks from." I couldn't help it; I roll my eyes. Catching the look, Kellen winks.

"The honour is all ours your Majesty!" Booms Dad, turning a few heads. "To have such a fine young man destined for our girl, what an honour indeed!" He coughed in between. I throw a concerned glance at Mum but she shook her head and squeezed Dad's shoulder lovingly, he held her hand and squeezes back.

"You're too kind, sir. I feel unworthy of such an Angel like your daughter." Returns Kellen sincerely, "Will you be staying behind after the ball?"

"If your Highnesses wouldn't mind," agrees Mum politely. As if by magic, or maybe Kellen mentally asked them to come over, Kellen's family -all except his sister who I spy still talking to Nix who I'd paired her with earlier to dance- suddenly join our circle. Kellen introduces us all to each other; just as conversation starts, a waiter at my elbow taps me lightly to get my attention.

"Excuse me Ma'am, but there is a man outside by the front entrance who would like to speak to you, he gave the name James." Says the waiter very quietly in my ear as I lean in. I hesitate, my expression hardening, wondering what the hell James wanted to talk to me about here that couldn't have been left to another time.

"Thank you, I'll see to it in a moment." I tell the waiter who bows and leaves.

"Everything all right?" Asks Kellen concerned, searching my expression. Out my peripheral, I see the raised eyebrows of both his and my family, watching me.

"Yes of course," I force an unaffected smile, "Please excuse me a moment," I bow politely to our circle, Samson, Jackson, meet me by the door please. I order mentally as I slip lithely through the crowded ballroom. At the far entrance, Samson and Jackson are waiting curiously, turning towards me as I reach them.

"What's wrong Prowess?" They ask lowly, aware of interested eyes watching us.

"James is here, waiting outside; he'd like to talk to me. Do you mind accompanying me?" I say keeping my composure; aware that Kellen's eyes particularly had followed me anxiously. I hated having to ask them for this, but I wasnt about to let James ruin my night, I wasnt in the mood to deal with him and with my pack members nearby, neither he nor any lurking rogues would try anything funny. The boy's eyes hardened as they both breathe curses.

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