Chapter 10

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Anastasia POV;

Having had the scare of my life when my mate had suddenly replied to my wolf reaching out to him, I’d pulled the car over at the side of the road and currently had my head resting against the headrest with my eyes closed. My stomach had fluttered when he’d called me gorgeous as well as telling me to be careful, showing me he really cared about me.

Being someone’s mate was one thing but genuinely caring for your mate was something completely different. Genuine feelings tended to follow after the mating. With my mate I was already starting to care for him and that wasn’t my wolf telling me we were his. I hated being away from him, it squeezed my heart wretchedly when he asked us to come back to him; of course I wanted nothing more than to run to him but I had to think of the consequences that would have, after all, the rogues were still about.

Sighing, I grabbed my phone from the passenger seat and dial my parent’s house number. It rang three times before anyone answered. “Hello?” Mum answered.

“Hey Mum, it's Anastasia” I smile into the phone.

“Ana baby, have you left the pack house yet?” she asked with added cheerfulness.

“Yeah I left about an hour ago, I’ll be there in about 15minutes tops,” I replied. In the background I could hear my brother and sister play fighting causing my smile to get bigger, I loved them both.

“Oh good, we’re all really excited to see you,” spoke Mum as if reading my mind.

“I’m excited to see you too, anyway I’ll see you in 15mins” I said taking a deep breath.

“Okay sweetheart, see you soon” with that she hung up. Snapping my phone shut I threw it onto the passenger seat and then restarted the engine, pushing the car into drive.

15mintues later had my red Ferrari pulling onto the drive of my parents house, my brother Tyron and sister Kara were jumping up and down, unable to contain themselves as they saw my car pull up. Getting out, I had just enough time to shut the door before quickly catching Kara and Tyron as they ran and jumped towards me at the same time; luckily I was used to this, it was our way of greeting each other.

“Ana!” they scream as I spun them around in a circle.

“Hello cheeky monkeys” I grinned before putting them down and hugging them each. “Have you both been good?” I asked giving them my meaningful look.

“Yep” they grinned together.

“Good, then you know what comes next, don’t you?” I grinned at them.

“Presents!” they yelled knowing my tradition with them was that if they were both good then I’d take them shopping and buy them something, then spend the rest of the day making sure we all had fun since I didn’t see them as often as they or I would have liked.

“Yep, I’ll take you both shopping tomorrow so you can both get something, how’s that?” at this they both began jumping around before giving me another hug and heading into the house. Mum had been stood on the porch of their two story cottage watching us; her happiness practically overflowing her features, heading towards her, she embraces me strongly.

“Hey Mum” I greeted into her shoulder, a muffled ‘hello baby girl’ made its way to my ears only caught by my very distinct senses. Letting me go, she took me by the hand and pulled me into the house, I close the door behind me. Ending up in the kitchen, we were making tea while Kara and Tyron watched telly.

“How has everything been with you and your pack then?” turned Mum to me as she put the milk in our teas.

“Very good thank you, I have a lot to share with you but Dad should hear to” at this reply she measures my expression with a look before smiling and agreeing. Picking up the teas we headed down the hall to the room Dad was occupying for his recovery.

Knocking at the door, I opened it and saw my Dad laying in his cream double bed, his eyes directed my way; upon seeing me, his face lit up and his old strong voice boomed through the room.

“Ah there’s my favourite Prowess!” a weak grin taking over his features.

“Hey Dad” I grin. Opening the door fully, I made my way over to sit at the side of the bed and leaned over to hug him. Mum sat the other side and they took each other’s hands; they were the strongest mated couple I knew and even through my Dad’s illness, they had only gotten stronger and closer together.

“How’s your pack Prowess?” asked Dad coughing momentarily.

“They’re very good thank you. The pups are quick learners and are catching on well. We recently had a party for the pack’s good work at the ball with the rogues, a few of them came out the fight with injuries but they’re all at full health now.” I said mentioning details they would not have already heard from Chad.

“Yes Chad told us about the fight after it happened. It’s a pity really, the Prince had just found his mate I hear.” My mum’s words made me look away as a pull in my heart strung.

“Mm” was all I said as a different, yet familiar old scent crossed my path as well as a feeling that made me aware that everything I said was being listened to closely by an unwelcome pair of ears, which did not belong to members of my immediate family. “I wont say anymore at present.” I spoke lowly in a deadly voice. My father, I could tell, knew they had a visitor and hadn’t said anything about it; a now guilty, upset, pleading expression filled his features. “I’d have thought you would have a little more respect for our family privacy, we’ll talk when unwanted ears aren’t listening,” I snarled before rising and swiftly leaving the room; behind me I heard my Mum sigh.

Deciding to run off my frustration, after heading out the door, I phase quickly and pushed my wolf form to its limits; she loved the feel of control I allowed her. Eventually I found myself deep inside the heart of the woods, knowing no one was around, phasing back and pulling on some clothes I had stored in a tree trunk nearby, I sat at the truck of a willow tree, resting my head and closing my eyes.

It wasn’t that I was angry at my father for not telling me about their visitor because I knew why he hadn’t; I wouldn’t have stayed around if I’d been told since I would have ripped the visitor’s head off otherwise. But the fact that my Dad had underestimated my distinct wolf senses had irked me.

Eventually when I saw the sky darken, I decided to phase again and headed back knowing my Mum, my brother and sister would be worried. Back at the house, I could tell by the atmosphere that the unwanted visitor hadn’t left yet, though they’d been joined by back ups; two others I estimated. Waltzing through the house after phasing and walking into the kitchen, I started making tea and ignored the crowd who’d followed me from the living room. The visitor, their two back ups and my parents stood behind me, none of them knowing what to say.

“You have every reason to not want to talk to me and every right to kick me out of here but I sincerely want to make amends.” Just the sound of his voice caused me to let out a ferocious growl; how dare he even come here! I smirked to myself when I felt their fear as they flinched away from me.

“You want to make amends …for trying to kill me?” I snarled slowly with deadly venom in my voice as I turn around and let my wolf look him directly in the eye.


My mistake everyone, thank you for pointing out that I'd re-uploaded  another chapter, this is the right one and I'm sorry for the mistake. ENJOY! COMMENTS & VOTES please?

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