Chapter 70

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Finishing his early dinner in the security kitchen, Jones looks over the file he'd just pulled from the Southern Archive.

Agent Name: Aries Black

Age: 24

DOB: 20/11/10200

Supervisor: Sage Eniko River

Place of Birth: Withheld.

Family status: Legally Emancipated. See p.2

Mate Status: Mated, Shakira Martisse (deceased). See p.3

Relationship Status: Single (Unconfirmed)

Children: None

Education: Classified (see p.4)

Pack Status: House Royal

Occupation: Apprentice - Sage Eniko River (Current)

                           Pack Trainer 1 year (Previous)

                           Training Tutor 4 years (Prior)

                           See Employment History p.5

Criminal Record: None. See p.6

For all other information, see 'Additional Notes'

Jones' had been through the file several times already but gave it a final look over to ensure he hadn't missed anything, which he rarely did but he prided himself on his efficiency.

The most interesting thing about Aries Black's file is that it raises more questions than it answers. At the age of 16, Black had legally emancipated himself from his family, and as a result, any family records were sealed. The section about his mate is rather depressing – Black had taken up a training position with the eastern Royal family and in his close workings with one of their pack's met his mate. Four months after they met Miss Martisse contracted sepsis, resulting in her death some days later. His education records were lined through with black marker and stamped 'classified', and all information in the file thereafter only pertained to Black's position as Eniko's apprentice.

Since seeing Miss Wolfe's spar with Mr Black, Jones' did some digging and called in some favors. To all other watchful eyes, it would appear Miss Wolfe and Mr Black weren't acquainted, but Jones wasn't fooled. He'd read between the lines of their interaction this morning, and now his purpose was to find out whether Mr Black is friend or foe. Jones decided that his first line of enquiry was to find out how they know each other, so he had pulled both of their files. Sliding Miss Wolfe's folder closer to himself, Jones compares Mr Black's file to Miss Wolfe's which Brody had faxed him. Comparing the two, there is no obvious overlap...except that for both, their education history is classified.

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