Chapter 52

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Kellen's POV;

I pace in agitation, an uneasy feeling turning my stomach. Today was the day Ana's pack would be initiating their new pack members. I had a bad feeling clouding my entire being, I couldn't shake it, it was nauseating. Brody told me to quit worrying and focus on my duties, everything would run smoothly...but I just couldn't let such an ominous feeling go.

Stepping into the carriage with the rest of the family, I remain silent throughout the journey as I try to calm myself... I was overrating, it was just because Ana and I were still fighting, and I hadn't seen her in a long time, that's all. "Kellen, are you alright? You look rather pale, sweetheart." Questions Mom, resting her hand on my knee in concern.

Shifting uncomfortably, "I'm not feeling well," I mutter staring out the window, "didn't sleep well, I guess."

"Will you be okay to stay through the ceremony?" She asks gently.

"I'll be fine." I answer more sharply than intended. I wouldn't dream of missing an opportunity to see Ana, regardless of how I felt. Silence reins through the carriage as conversation dies. The scenery outside passes dutifully. If I tried hard to listen outside of the carriage, there was an eerie lack of sound as we entered Ana's pack territory; No cheering, no birds whistling, nothing except the sound the wheels turning. I could almost imagine I was completely alone if I shut my eyes, empty. Nothingness.

The carriage pulls to an abrupt halt; we step out into the hush. A massive audience crowds around the area, making space for the stage centred in front of Ana's elder house, yet the stillness of the scene brings goosebumps to my skin. We take our seats on the stage to the left-hand side, the audience in front filled with anticipate initiates, parents and relatives, while further out gathered the other packs come to watch. Once seated, we wait... the noiselessness amplifies the sound of Ana's heels within the elder house as she makes her way through the building to the stage. Tap, tap, tap, the tap of Ana's heels begins to match the beats of my heart until I can't hear anything but the beating in my ears! It's so loud! At long last...the door opens and Ana steps out. I hadn't noticed that Ana's existing pack members were already stood to attention at the other end of the stage.

Out the corner of my eye, I catch sight of a dark silhouette stalking behind the pack, when I look fully, I see nothing. Looking straight forward out at the crowd, my heart skips a beat as I look directly at a hooded figure, face shrouded. Staring into the hood of the wearer, I see nothing but feel the malicious smile infecting me. I panic, glancing at Ana to see if she'd notice... she hadn't, she remained focused forward on her new pack members. When I look back into the crowd once again, it's gone. Was it a rogue? Was it Jennifer? Someone here to hurt Ana? Or my family?

Ana begins the ceremony, but I'm not listening, already scanning the faces of each member of the crowd individually once again. Suddenly everybody is on their feet clapping at something Ana had said. I catch a glimpse of a black shadow moving behind the crowd but can't see anything clearly. "Now, when your name is called, step up onto the stage, bow and give me your honour." States Ana, motioning the first initiate to come up on stage. I take this as my opportunity; muttering "Excuse me," to my family, I slip off the stage preparing to search the crowd myself. I would keep Ana safe! Nobody looks my way as I move slowly through the people, smothered by bodies as I search.

As I turn to check behind me, something sharp catches my side. "Don't. Move." The words are whispered into my ear, the warmth of their breath hitting the cool skin of my neck. Behind me, I'm now immediately aware of the speaker's proximity. I freeze. A shiver traces down my spine, I resist the urge to turn around, instead doing as they ask. "I saw you. Up on stage. You looked right at me, remember?" They whisper silkily. I hold my breath, hearing my heartbeat consume my head, only penetrated by the voice at my ear. My body had cease functioning while my head ached, there was something familiar about the voice at my ear, I'd heard it before. I recognised it, yet in my panicked state couldn't work out where I'd heard it before. "Don't. Move." They warn again. I shut my eyes, trying to fathom where I knew that voice from....

Upon feeling the sharp object leave my side, I open my eyes and feel my held breath release. I look around, puzzled by the stillness of dead air, turning my eyes forward I settle my gaze on Ana; having now initiated all her new pack members, she turns to speak to them. To my horror, what she doesn't see is the hooded figure lurking and just hidden by her pack members. It all happens in slow motion; from beneath the cloak of the wearer, a glistening silver blade is pulled; not for the first time, I feel their veiled gaze on me, smirking as Ana moves towards their direction. Watching hopelessly as they step out of line once Ana's back turned.

"ANAAAAAAAAAAAAA! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I scream so loudly, my voice croaks as I viciously try pushing my way through the crowd, but no-one seems to move. Ana looks up and meet my gaze, from behind the shadow steps forward, knife raised. I struggle ferociously, desperate to reach her, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" My voice breaking. Grasping Ana, the figure chokes her with their arm around her neck then proceed to plunge the knife into her chest, repeatedly. Dropping her immediately to the ground the figure disappears. Words cannot describe... I choke, suffocating on air, the pain in my chest excruciating, I'm weak. My eyes watering as despair of the deepest kind swallows me. I collapse, helplessly to knees next to Ana's crumpled body, holding her close to me. "ANAAAA!"


My own screams jolt me awake, my sheets drenched in sweat. I trip over trying to get out of bed, tangled in a suffocating web of sheets. My bedroom light goes on as Brody barges in, "What the hell is going on in here?!" I stumble to my bathroom and throw up the contents of my stomach twice over before crumpling on the floor, my body shaking and freezing. Having established no danger in the room, Brody rushes over, "Kellen, what happened? Talk to me! You look like crap." Brody continues to radio for the royal doctor. Weak from the effort of throwing up and with a bitter, tangy taste left in my mouth, I'm too rattled to reply. Assisting me to a glass of water, Brody hands me a cold flannel as he waits, concerned, for my explanation.

"Nightmare. I had a nightmare. Someone killed Ana at the initiation ceremony...stabbed her to death." I shudder, my stomach rolls again as I shut my eyes and repress the sickening bile rising in my throat.

An hour later, after being cleared by the doctor, I sit in the lounge staring at the fire as I drink a lemon and honey mix. Brody helped calm me down, assuring me Ana was fine and nothing had happened to her, yet it was the voice... the voice that belonged to the hooded figure. It continued to haunt me, I knew that voice. It was a male voice, I was sure. But whose?


Trick or Treat? Mwahahaha, Happy Halloween everyone!

Anybody else's heart racing? Blame the boyfriend, it was his idea ()-;) teeheehee!

COMMENTS & VOTES please! What did you think?

Please don't hate me, I love you all ;D <3

Next Upload = November 26th.

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