Chapter 46

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Anastasia's POV

Sick. I felt sick at what I was looking at. I push back the photos and turn away. So, is this what Kellen was trying to keep from me? My anger reached a snapping point; having already found out that Kellen was having my pack's post vetted before it reached us, I'd confronted Brody, knowing he'd know why. I recall my conversation with him the day before, looking for answers that perhaps I'd missed...

"Ana, this is a surprise!" He'd said, surprised as he walked into my office at my request to meet with him.

"I didn't ask you here for a social visit." Catching on to the serious and impatient tone of my voice, his expression becomes suddenly guarded and wary, at that moment it confirmed that he knew Kellen was keeping things from me. "Why is my pack's post being vetted?"

"It isn't-" he began to say but I cut him off.

"Don't even think of lying to me. It is and you damn well know it is, now tell me why." I snarl at him, slamming my hands down on my desk, tired of this deception. He sighs, looking at me knowing and with some resignation.

"It's just a security measure Kellen has put in place..." He said carefully, keeping his eyes down as he frowns.

"Just for me, or does it include the other Alphas as well?" I demand fiercely. He had the decency to look uncomfortable as he acknowledged it was just me. "That's what I thought. So here's what's gonna happen now; you're going to stop vetting our post and take off any other ridiculous 'security measures' Kellen has had you put it place. If Kellen has an issue with that, by all means tell him to talk to me so we can discuss it."

Brody whistles under his breath as he stands to leave,"Consider it done..." He pauses at the door momentarily, "You know, we keep telling him he's underestimating you," he says amused before closing the door behind him...

To Brody's credit, right after our conversation all the interferences had stopped and yet today I receive these photos. Photo's of Kellen standing in his bedroom door way just in his boxers, a thoughtful expression on his face as a flustered young maid with the 'just bedded' look about her, left completely embarrassed. Thankfully that was the only photo depicting that, others were of official letters sent from the palace, ones confirming payments or transfers with some of them dated recently... yet it was the last bit of paper in the envelope which truly sickened me. Labelled 'Kellen's Sex Dairy', it was a timeline scattered with many small photos of different girls and written underneath each photo was the date Kellen had slept with them, their transfer date and where they were currently working. One name in particular was circled and had stars next to it. A note attached read, 'And that's only the tip of the ice burg love.. ;)' I fought with my conscience to understand where this could all possibly have come from because clearly Kellen wouldn't have sent it, of that I could be certain. My following thought is why someone would send this to me? Are they trying to split Kellen and I up by laying out his past to me? Are they hoping for a reaction from me?

For several minutes, I sit overwhelmed and over-thinking about the whole situation, trying to reconcile myself with this glimpse into Kellen's past and work out what could possibly be meant by the note... a headache begins forming in my temples and if I had the choice, I'd burn everything that had come in the envelop, but there was more to this than meets the eye so putting everything back in the envelope, I stand swiftly. After locking the envelope in my safe, I sat at my desk for a long time thinking everything through; I hadn't seen or spoken very much Kellen since he'd stayed the night two days ago, nor did I know what he was doing. Resolved on visiting the palace this evening to ask Kellen to be straight with me, I spend the rest of day catching up on paper work, managing the builds started on our territory for the new pack accommodation and reviewing the progress of various other tasks required by the policy.

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