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*Four weeks later*

Hand in hand, The Prowess and Prince Kellen take their seats at the meeting table. Already seated, Prince Maxim and Miss Sophia Ridge-Lance converse across the table to King Alf and Queen Maryanne. On the other side of the table sit the twelve Royal Elders, one presiding for each pack. Brody shadowed by Jones enter and hand out folders to everyone present.

"Mr Sayers, just so you are aware. The Southern Royal – King Jacques, Queen Alarna, Prince Zander and Xavier, and Arabelle have joined via a Meeting of the Minds. They send thanks for the folders." Informs the King, shifting forward in his seat to take pressure off his chest injury.

"Thank you sir." Nods Brody. Addressing the crowd, "Thank you all for coming. As you are all aware, following on from last month's battle, Jones and myself launched an investigation into Alpha Devon and his pack, in conjunction with threats to the Crown leading up to the event." Explains Brody, nodding for Jones to continue.

"Our investigation concludes that Alpha Devon, for all intents and purposes, acted alone. His southern rogue co-conspirator, Tyron Batten, has been fully cooperating both with the Southern Royals and our operation. Taking into consideration, Mr Batten's confession of Alpha Devon's plans to the Southern Royal hours prior to the battle taking place, which consequently enabled the Southern Royals to come to our aid, we have agreed to hand over custody of his punishment to the South to handle as they see fit. Mr Batten's cooperation into our investigation allowed us to make the following discoveries: Mr Batten's mate, Jennifer Kreasy's accusation of Prince Kellen's fathering her child were entirely false and fabricated. The child has since been confirmed as Mr Batten's. The accompanying DNA results were falsified by a southern doctor, for which the South have opened a separate investigation. The involvement of Miss Kreasy was organised by a Janine Barton, sister of a former palace maid, Evie Barton. Miss Janine Barton conspired to sell stories of The Prince and The Prowess to the media, passed information gained from our palace employees to Mr Batten who used this information to carry out attacks on the packs of Alpha Almound, Alpha Riggs and The Prowess. Miss Barton's involvement will be dealt by the South." Concludes Jones, passing back to Brody.

"If you would all please look in your folders, you find photographs taken at Alpha Devon's pack house. A shrine dedicated to the Prowess was found, along with extensive photos of The Prowess dating back to her instatement as a Pack Leader, suggesting a long-term obsession. Interviews conducted with his pack members confirmed this, there is also evidence and testimony to suggest that Alpha Devon was terrorising and abusing his pack members, his authority, and the pack finances for the last five years.

In the interim of instating a new Alpha, the pack Elders have worked in conjunction with members of the Royal family to re-stabilise the pack and the finances. This has likewise happened in the former packs of Alpha Vauk and Alpha Salim. Our findings suggest that the betrayal of these two Alpha to our King was a last-minute agreement made before the battle. There is no evidence to suggest long term corruption, not including the dated practices and underhanded rejection of the new policy Alpha Salim adopted towards females in his pack. The Beta in each of the three packs assume the Alpha positions, assuming there are no challenges, at the end of this month. We conclude with the assurance that all threats to the Northern Crown have been dealt with" Bowing, Brody and Jones then take a seat to a round of applause.

"Thank you gentleman. Any questions?" Asks King Alf. All present shake their heads. "Very well. Another matter to be brought toward this council is the matter of Prince Kellen's becoming King. During my period of recovery, Prince Kellen was appointed regent and carried out all of the associated duty. I shall be returning to my duty at the end of the month. Following discussions with the Prince and the Prowess, I have decided to continue as monarch for another ten years, after which point, Prince Kellen will assume the throne with his mate."

"On that point," begins Kellen smiling proudly at Ana, "it is with the greatest pleasure that Ana and I are pleased to announce our engagement. Our wedding will take place this summer."

A choir of elation and congratulations flow in following this announcement. Ana smiles, in spite of the small pang in her heart, the part that belonged to Aries. She would mourn him forever, but love him always, even more so knowing that he sacrificed his life to save Kellen's. To Aries, she owed all of her current and future happiness, and took comfort from knowing he is at peace.

"If you might permit a question, your Highness?" begins one of the Elders. The King nods, smiling.

"What are to be the arrangement for the Prowess' pack and title upon Prince Kellen's becoming King?" The King gestures to Ana as Prowess for the answer.

"Following multiple discussion with members of the Royal family," begins the Prowess, "my pack shall remain under my leadership, during which time I shall train my brother and sister for the role. Upon my stepping down as leader, the responsibility shall be passed jointly to my brother and sister. The details of which shall be arranged over the next ten years." Surprised discussion breaks out around the table, all of which is then squashed by the King's booming voice.

"Ladies and gentlemen; this is the agreement that has been reached, the plan of action that will be taken. Given the success which the honourable Prowess has made of becoming leader, we cannot assume problems with the proposed course of action until it takes place. Until then, the Northern Kingdom may rest assured that in due course all shall return to normal."

"Well, maybe a little better than normal" grins the Prowess squeezing the hand of the Prince.

The End. 

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