Chapter 17

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Kellen POV;


We had just left the Prowess’s pack and were traveling back to the palace in the carriage; discussing our thoughts and opinions on what we’d seen.

“She has rightly earned her pack’s reputation from what I’ve seen.” Began Maxim.

“I agree. Those were impressive financials, better kept than Alpha Roheim’s and he is quite the organizer.” Agreed Dad nodding approvingly.

“Yes but it would have been even better if we could have met her! I’ve been looking forward to meeting her since the ball and still to no avail.” Spoke Bell in exasperation, rolling her eyes.

“Mmm, her pack definitely didn’t falter her. Their loyalty is something quite admirable, it seems she has woven their pack quite tightly knit. I really do hope her father recovers soon though.” Added Mom thoughtfully.

“I agree Bell, it’s a shame we couldn’t meet her, be that as it may her beta is unwavering in authority; yet their loyalty to the Prowess is still there. It’s a unique pack to be sure.” I murmured thoughtfully. Now that the check was over all I wanted and needed to do was be with my mate. My Ana! So desperate was my longing to talk to her again becoming; I knew her wolf was doing it to keep us both safe but one conversation can do a lot.

Father was about to comment when the carriage suddenly jolted to a sharp stop. “What the hell?!” Gasped Maxim grudgingly, instantly pulling Sophia closer.

“Why have we stopped?” frowned Bell, shifting uncomfortably in her seat.

“Get out!” Snarled a rugged voice outside. “Now!” they shouted before yanking the door open impatiently and revealing a gun they had pointed at one of our driver’s head. “I doubt you want to see your driver with a bullet through his head, so get out. Now!”

“Ok. Ok! Don’t hurt anyone!” I spoke quickly, concerned for the life of our driver. Getting up, I put my hands up in surrender as I began stepping out of the carriage but was immediately grabbed by two sets of rough hands and thrown to the dirty path, before being forced onto my knees and a gun shoved to back of my head. Quickly taking a look around, shock greeted me when I saw over three hundred rogues surrounding the area at a distance.

As my gaze made a round trip of the scene in front of me, my despair grew as I saw all our security guards lying face down on the floor- unconscious. The last thing to catch and hold my attention as I finished scanning the area were the frightened faces of a family they were holding at gun point; the teenage girl had tears falling down her red cheeks as she clutched her younger brother, silently sobbing, closer protectively. The parents joined their children on their knees with their hands bound behind their backs, their expressions trying to remain calm but displaying obvious fear.

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