As the carriage drew up into the Prowess's territory, Princess Sophia began to feel a nervous eagerness take over her, while the Queen- holding a composed expression- couldn't help but hide her smile. Queen Maryanne had not yet told anybody about the Prowess being Kellen's mate; though she'd had ample opportunity to tell King Alf, she felt that the right moment had not arisen. As well as this, Maryanne felt torn; she felt obligated but also a childish eagerness to tell Alf about Ana being the Prowess, knowing that, together, the two of them could delight in the kindness fate had bestowed on their eldest son. On the other hand, Maryanne felt protective over Ana's identity-a maternal force of feeling towards her destined daughter in law, which only a mother would understand, and thus, kept Ana's secret so far in not having told a soul.
Every recollection of her meeting with Ana brought on a proudness so strong, that King Alf had many a time questioned her as to why he felt the echoes of it. In truth it was due to hindsight; every action that Queen Maryanne now knew Ana to have taken, left her bemused and even in awe of her future daughter in law. Fate had done extremely well in pairing her son; Maryanne believed no prayer would be enough to express her thanks to fate; Ana was the perfect match for Kellen. She would keep him honest, levelheaded as well as hot on his toes.
The only part of the pairing the Queen worried about was how Ana would keep her position as Prowess...
"Maryanne, what's the Prowess like in person?" Princess Sophia asked anxiously, "I'm not sure what to say to her! I'm worried I'll be so overwhelmed at meeting her that I'll become speechless!" She continued, nervously rambling, though being completely unaware of it.
In Sophia's mind- as in every other female wolf's mind- the Prowess represented a symbol of inspiration; as the first ever female leader of a werewolf pack in history and at such a young age too, the Prowess was every young werewolf female's idol. Even those who did not like or approve of the Prowess (though wolves with this opinion were few and wouldn't dare voice such an opinion against such a great reputation) only disliked her because of envy, fear or hatred of change. Therefore Sophia felt very much nervous to be meeting someone she greatly admired and looked up to, especially added to by the Prowess's seeming elusiveness.
"Sophia dear, you need not worry! Please bare in mind that until we have checked that all business and progress is in order we need to be professional and unbiased. I will admit that I admire the Prowess as much as you and Bell but this is an official visit therefore we must remember our positions- the Prowess is a leader and must be treated equally to the other Alphas. As soon as everything official is dealt with, you'll be able to form your own opinion of the Prowess." Winked Maryanne, who was very much looking forward to seeing the professional leadership side of Kellen's mate; how the Prowess would handle her pack business, would provide enough insight into how she might perform as future Queen.
"Ok, I can do that. Is she as pretty as she is said to be?" Questioned Sophia curiously. Sophia endeavored to check her timid behaviour appropriately and behave accordingly to her role as a royal; she wanted to be composed during the meeting, lest she should make a fool of herself in front Maryanne or the Prowess. Quelling her emotions, she managed to at least gain her usually reserved and quiet appearance.
This question brought to the Queen's mind the worry that she might have to confide in Sophia the true identity of the Prowess, since the Princess may well recognize the Prowess from the ball. The thought was quickly dismissed; nobody would put two and two together unless hearing it officially admitted. "I think so, but you must tell for yourself." Smiled the Queen fondly.
The carriage drew to a stop, each of the ladies were handed out of the carriage and led protectively into the elder house by their numerous guards. Upon being announced into the meeting room, everyone stood to formal attention as they entered, before bowing respectfully. Each of the 20 or so Elders stood around a huge, oval, meeting table took a step back and individually took leave of both the Prowess and both their Majesties; when all of the Elders had left, the Prowess came forward. "Your Majesties." She greeted shaking hands with both.
Loup-garouProwess (ˈpraʊɪs) 1. Outstanding or superior skill or ability. 2. Bravery or fearlessness, esp in battle. The Prowess - Title chosen and given to the first female Alphress, in the history of werewolves. In man's world being taken seriously is a st...