Chapter 24

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  • Dedicated to All My AMAZING readers!

Anastasia’s POV

Having spent the day coped up in my office catching up on all the pack paper work; I had just finished signing an approval form when a knock sounded at the door, looking up at the clock it read 5pm,  “Come in!” I call, reading through the last file on my desk.

I heard the door open slightly; I glance up briefly to see Mine’s head popping around the door. “Er, hey, Prowess…you got a minute?” He asked with a strange edge to his voice. Raising my eyebrow at his tone, I shut the document I’d just opened- deciding to read it later and gave him my curious attention.

“Sure, come on in.” I motioned for him to sit down. As the door opened, Ellie followed in behind him nervously trying to hide behind him, which added to my curiosity and even worry since Ellie wasn’t usually anxious. Mine sat down and pulled Ellie onto his knee, wrapping his arms securely around her, before turning to look at me with a softened unsure expression. “What’s up?” I ask looking between the two of them.

“We, er…have something we’d like to talk to you about. We didn’t want to do anything else until we’d spoken to you first.” Began Mine formerly looking to Ellie proudly, though she kept her eyes looking down at their intertwined hands. I nod for him to continue, but otherwise stayed silent.

Ellie glanced up at me worriedly, as she cleared her voice “Well, erm… I’m, I’m pregnant.” She said quietly. Surprise hit me loud and clear, temporarily shocking me for a moment before I fully registered what she’d said.

“Wow, congratulations! I’m so happy for you!” I grin, stepping around the desk to hug them both cheerfully; both of their worried expressions relaxed into the gleeful and proud expressions that only soon to be parents would have, as they hugged me back. “How far gone are you?”

“Erm about one or two months? I’m still getting morning sickness so around there.” She volunteered, more relaxed now.

“How you seen any doctors or told anyone else about this pregnancy? Any of the pack?” I asked my Prowess duties kicking in. 

“No, we wanted you to be the first to know and to speak to you before anyone else.” Spoke Mine certainly.

“Okay guys, well as your friend I am absolutely over the moon with happiness for you both. As your pack leader obviously there is some paperwork I’ll need to go through and sort out with you both; there are some financial aspects to look at and of course the medical attention that you will require. Would you like to go through that now? Or later…?” I offered as I sifted through my filing cabinet until I found the file I was looking for.

“We’d like to do it now and save any later hassle please.” Smiled Ellie.

“The next step would be to let you families know about the news and of course the pack. I will sort everything else out for you both, and in light of your wonderful news, perhaps we should celebrate?” I smile, scanning over the pregnancy file.

“There’s a new club opening in the next town over from here that I’d love to go to!” Piped Ellie eagerly.

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