Chapter 77

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Kellen POV:

Back at the palace, Maxim and Arabelle engulf me in hugs.

"Oh Kel! I'm so thrilled you're here and back with us! Just in time to meet my mate!" Gushes Bell. "Come, come, meet him!" She says, promptly grabbing my hand and pulling me over to the figure lurking on the fringe of our group.

Black hair, dark skin and eyes, Bell's mate is a head shorter than me although by no means finished growing. Hair tightly weaved in cornrows tied in a ponytail at the back, the boy looks remarkably mature for his age. However, the look in his eyes as he watches Bell bounce to stand at his side and take his hand, is unmistakable amazed adoration.

"Kel, this is Xavier. Xav this is my older brother Kellen" Grins Bell, barely able to stand still from her excitement.

We shake hands. "Good to meet you Prince Xavier" I tell him, nodding respectfully. "Welcome to the family."

"It is an honour, Prince Kellen. I promise to make Arabelle's happiness my paramount concern and earn my place at her side, and in your family."

I smile. "I couldn't wish for better." I turn my eyes to Arabelle, "I'm very happy for you, dear sister" I kiss her cheek. "Unfortunately, I can't stay but I shall catch up with you both later."

"Why?" Pouts Bell.

"Would you wish for me to neglect my own mate?" I raise an eyebrow, amused.

"Absolutely not. If that be the case, get lost now and don't come back without her! If I see her without you, there shall be hell to pay!" She warns, trying for serious but failing, unable to hide her happiness. "Ugh, with you and Ana back together, I shall have nothing left to wish for!" She bounces. Xavier bows to me then wraps an arm around Bell's waist.

Leaving them, I spot Maxim in heated conversation with Brody and head towards them.

"Damn it, Sayers. There is no more danger, Kel's here and he's got his memory back. I don't see the problem-" pushes Maxim. I clap him on the shoulder as I join them.

"What's the problem?" I ask, looking between Brody firm expression and Maxim's angry one.

"Nothing" Sulks Maxim, miffed.

"I'll review the details" Vows Brody. Maxim rolls his eyes.

"Max, can I ask a favour?" I ask, as tense silence falls between him and Brody.

"Depends what it is?" Mutters Maxim shoving his hands in his pockets and kicking the carpet.

"You got a spare dinner suit I can borrow?"

"No idea, ask my entourage. I'm off to get ready for this damn ball." Says Maxim shortly, skulking off.

"What's that all about?" I ask Brody.

"Postponed plans to join Miss Ridgelance in the East." I nod in understanding. I couldn't do anything to help with that, that was Brody's forte so I turn my attention back to my original purpose.

"I hate to add to your plate, but I meant what I said earlier, Bro. I need a suit and a baby blue tie or bowtie so I can join Ana when she makes her entrance."

"Kellen, have you thought this through?" Frowns Brody. "Perhaps you should give it a miss. Nobody here is expecting to see you. It might bring the wrong media coverage to the event and more to the point, I can't pull an entourage out my arse to get you ready in time."

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