Chapter 53

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Anastasia's POV;

After a restless night, I awake early to several missed phone calls from Kellen. I ignore them; I had too much to concentrate on today and I didn't want the argument. Showering and dressing, I join the pack for breakfast as I go over the schedule today. "I am aware that many of you have relatives joining this pack today, but not one of you are to step out of line. You are the example to the new pack members, if there is to be any trouble today, I expect it not to be from any of you. Do I make myself clear?" I ask with a hard stare.

"Yes Ma'am." Chorus the answers, bowing.

"You all know your place today; any questions please ask them now. If not, it's now 7am. I'd like us to be down here and ready to set off at 9am. I'll be over at the elder house, overseeing the preparations for the ceremony until then. You know how to contact me if you need me." That said, I stand and ready myself for a busy morning.


By 09.30am everything is in place. I survey the area which was now filled with people. In front of our elder house, a stage had been erected with seats on one side for the royal family, while on the opposite side were rows of seats for my current and soon to be pack members. Royal guards were stationed around the borders of the area; since Brody had been made aware of the situation regarding rogue activity, the presence of royal guards had been significantly increased. I mingle in the crowd, addressing any concerns of the initiates or their family, also greeting the other Alphas who'd attended as I go, and welcoming some of their pack members.

"I must say Prowess, you've pulled in quite the crowd." Begins Alpha Almound, impressed. "I'm surprised; I wouldn't have thought Alpha Roheim or Alpha Callan would bother to make the journey, but they're here."

"I second those thoughts. Although I don't think their reasons for being here are as admiral." Joins Alpha Chad Riggs. "They have made their opinions on female leaders clear. They're here to see if you encounter problems, Prowess. Probably even hoping so."

"I have greeted them both, each were cordial." I reply with a closed tone. "I'm honoured they attended, which is all I will say on the subject. I'd also like to thank you both for attending." I bow respectfully, which they return. "Now if you'll please excuse me."

Spotting my family across the courtyard, I make my way over, feeling the need for comfort. All morning, I'd felt pent up and agitated, which I suspected might be coming from Kellen's mental connection to me. It left me with an uneasy feeling, I had so much retained emotion that I needed to let go of but no way to release it. It also made me feel guilty for not returning his calls; something was obviously bothering him, but I couldn't afford to lose focus today. I needed to stay collected and in charge, there would be plenty of time to talk to Kellen after that. Drawing up near my parents, already I felt relieved to have them here.

"How was your journey over here?" I ask tentatively. Now noticing, for the first time, a deterioration in Dad's health. His face pale and taut, no doubt from the weight he'd lost, his eyes were tired from many a sleepless night and his wheezing was apparent after each breath. "Dad?" I couldn't hide the concern from my voice.

"Don't"-cough- "worry" -several coughs- "about me." I wait tensely for his coughing fit to end, while Mum tends to him. "You focus on your duty, Prowess. Your old man can wait." He smiles with difficultly around another coughing fit. Just as I'm about to say more, Brody approaches.

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