Welcome Back to Newport

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Laura pulled up to her small bungalow house. Jimmy was already there with three of his four friends. Laura told him she was coming home today, but she expected him to be late, not standing on her front porch with his friends. 

"LC!" He yelled, but didn't bother to get her bags or even walk down the steps to meet her. She walked up to her front door, hugging her brother, trying to keep her backpack on. "How was school?" He asked.

She had just finished school at California College for the Arts; she had a degree in Film and Music Production. Laura had became a sought after musician, but only for films. She took songs that another artist had already produced and either changed the vocals or tune for the film, according to their preference. She had already made a name for herself in the industry, but she wanted the education to go with it.

"Swell." She answered, while unlocking her front door. "Hi, guys. I haven't seen you in so long." She said, turning to Matt, Brian, and Johnny giving them each a small hug while they filed inside. 

"How's my man, Anthony?" Jimmy asked. Anthony was Laura's boyfriend, but also Avenged Sevenfold's roadie. Laura begged Jimmy to get him a job while she was off at college. 

"I should ask you that; you see him more than me. Has he behaved himself?" She asked, peeking at him with interest. 

"He's been a little angel. Won't stop talking about you, though." Jimmy added. 

"Where is he anyway?" She asked.

"Loading our bus. None of them may leave until they're through." Jimmy said, cracking an imaginary whip. 

"Tour? Again? Are you trying to make me a lonely woman?" She asked.

"You don't have to be a lonely woman. We happen to have space." Jimmy offered.

"What makes you think I want to spend time with you?" She kidded.

"I thought you said she was coming?" Brian asked Jimmy.

"Oh she is. If she want's to see her Anthony." Jimmy said, saying his name in a girly voice.

"Jimmy, I literally just got back. I haven't turned on my water or A/C in months." She said.

"LC, you've been at college for two years; Anthony has barely got to see you, and I haven't seen you." Jimmy argued. Jimmy was the only one that called her LC. After living with her for years and getting onto her, it was easier to say LC then Lauren Claudia Sullivan.

"Yeah, you remember the good ole' days when we were all best friends?" Matt said, joining in on the guilt trip. 

"You mean when you three used me for my money?" She poked. There was a roar from Matt, Jimmy, and Brian, defending themselves. "Okay, okay, okay, I was kidding. Give me one logical reason why I should go on tour with you?" She asked Jimmy, knowing he couldn't tell her a real reason why.

"Because we love you." He said, genuinely. Her heart pounded at that. She really didn't want to go or even had the energy to, but when her brother actually got serious AND sentimental, you had to abide. She paused and let out a loud sigh.

"I'm not cooking for you bitches and never cleaning, I'm not taking care of drunk idiots, I'm not getting rid of trashy girls or breaking up any of their kitty fights, and don't ask for any favors." She listed. 

"Not even a sammich?" Jimmy asked. She turned around to take her luggage upstairs. "Okay! Fine, you hag. Just get your ass in the car." He yelled, heading outside. 

Matt and Johnny put her clothes and toiletries in the car while Brian put her other things inside. Jimmy sat in the Tahoe in the air conditioner, not helping. They all got into the Tahoe and made their way to the tour buses. Laura got out her phone, texting Anthony.

"Are you excited?" Jimmy asked Laura, excitement in his voice.

"No." She answered, flatly, not looking up from her phone.

"I am! We're going to have so many slumber parties." Brian threw in.

"I wish Brian was my sister and not you." Jimmy said to Laura.

"He practically is. He's got bigger tits than me." She said, looking at her nails. She looked over to Brian and sent him a smile and he returned it, shaking his head, looking away and out the window. Everyone small talked the rest of the way to Hunington, which was only fifteen minutes. 

When they arrived, the roadies were almost done putting all the speakers and instruments into the second bus. Zacky was loading his bags, and a couple other peoples bags. Laura figured it was one of their girlfriends, but she wasn't sure whose. 

They got out of the car and started loading Laura's bags, since Zacky had already loaded theirs.

"Thanks, man." Matt said, taking over. 

"Which ladies are coming?"Laura asked. 

"Val and Michelle will meet us at the first stop, Leana may be able to join later, and Gena is booked with appointments. "Zacky said. Laura rolled her eyes. She really didn't want to be the only girl. At least it was only for a couple of hours. 

"Laura!" Anthony called from the other bus. She walked over there, giving him a hug and a couple kisses. "He talked you into it?" Anthony asked, smiling. 

"Only because of you." She answered. 

"I'm glad you came." He said, kissing her again. 

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