Soft Asylum

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In case you didn't notice I change Ali/Alex's name to Laura and Chas' name to Anthony. I should have done something different to begin with :/ Also if anyone would like to make me a cover for the story I would be thrilled. I'd send you my favorite picture of Carah!


Six Months into Tour:

Laura woke up just as the sun peaked over the horizon. She felt terrible. Her head was hurting right in the front, making her hurt if she moved her eyes too fast, she was groggy and she couldn't tell if she was starving or wanted to throw up. She peeled Anthony's thin arm off her, grabbing her over jacket and sliding out the door. Even though it was cool outside she still felt hot and sticky. 

She quietly made her way onto Avenged Sevenfold's bus. She went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Even though it was 5:09 a.m. she didn't want to wake anyone up; especially not Jimmy. She got out of the shower and put on some short lounge shorts and a t-shirt. She opened the bathroom door to come face to face with Brian. She almost gasped, but was glad when she didn't; she didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

"What are you doing up? Shouldn't you be getting your beauty sleep? God knows you need it." She shot at him. He chuckled a little.

"You're still witty even when you're high." He shot back. Laura freaked out on the inside but didn't show it. 

"And you're still boring." She pouted, walking back to her bunk. She didn't even get to close the curtain before she passed out.

Brian walked by her bed and saw her passed out, her chest slowly rising and falling. She was so innocent when she slept; but when she woke up she would do things that would make her brother cry. Brian laid in his bunk, not being able to sleep. Instead of worrying about Michelle all night he couldn't stop thinking about Laura's little habit.

After her and Anthony fought about two months into tour she was never the same. He knew that they were still together but after their fight she was just upset. But after a few weeks she began to change. She was always fidgety, She would only come back at night when everyone was passed out, and she always passed on spending time with the guys and said she had to work on songs instead. Brian was the only one that had caught on. He liked to think he knew everything. But he kept that secret religiously. If Jimmy found out he'd be heartbroken. 

Brian changed the subject in his mind. He didn't want to think of Jimmy hurting and LC to be the blame. He thought back to old times when he used to call her LC. When she would hang out with them all summer and after school. He used to have so much fun and connect with her on a level no one else had. She was the only one he wanted to have deep conversations with. But she was in love with Zacky back in those days. He never noticed and she began community college before he did. Then she left for Art college and came back. Brian expected it to be the same when she came back; long conversations, old crazy LC, but she had changed. He realized he was expecting the same person from years ago, when he had changed tremendously himself. 

Laura woke up due to everyone's commotion on the bus. She grabbed a oversized sweater and threw it on, walking out of the back room. 

"I am this close to giving you a curfew." Jimmy said, holding up his fingers close together. "You are never here anymore! Spend time with me dammit." He said. She felt guilt all over her. 

"I wish I could. I'm just so behind and everything I come up with sucks. I think I'm in a rut." She said, grabbing a bottle of water and drinking. "I think I'm actually about to head over to the studio." She said, standing up and grabbing her bag. 

"It's just a block down the road." Jimmy told her. He had sweet talked Merle into parking closer to the studios so Laura could record her songs. She nodded and left before much more could be said. She walked over to the studio. She sighed, relieved that there was only two people there. They would stay out of her hair most of the time. 

"Hey, Laura, we're going to step out for a bit, do you need anything?" Steve, one of the producers that worked there, asked over the microphone.

"Would you mind getting me a drink?" She asked, sheepishly.

"The usual?" He asked, slightly rolling his eyes playfully. She grinned at him, silently saying yes. After a bit he came back with a bottle of Jack Daniels for her. She would be recording a remake of the Doors, why not really get into character? 

Brian could hear music outside the tiny studio. He knocked on the door but when no one answered he let himself in. He could see her on the other side of the small studio in her own room, dimly lit. He also noticed the huge bottle of Jack Daniels at three in the afternoon. 

"Fuck." She mumbled, hitting the wrong note. She did this a few more times and he was about to walk in and intercept. Then she starting playing real notes, the orchestra sounding haunting.

"Can you give me sanctuary, I must find a place to hide. A place for me to hide." She paused, playing the same notes again. "Can you find me soft asylum, I can't make it anymore, the Man is at the door." She finished, playing the last few notes. 

"That was depressing." Brian said behind her. She turned, a little surprised someone was in there. 

"Well, you know. Jim Morrison probably wasn't the happiest person." She said.

"You don't have to channel your inner Morrison just to play his song." Brian said, pointing at the bottle of alcohol, sitting on the piano bench with her. 

"I think you do. I could almost feel myself morphing into him." She kidded. 

"Are you going to go out that way too?" He asked. She looked at him, turning serious. 

"Dammit, Brian. Why'd you come in here if you're going to-" She began but he stopped her.

"I'm sorry. It's killing me being the only one that knows." He said.

"I never asked you to know. Or keep it a secret." She replied. 

"So you wouldn't cared if I told Jimmy?" He asked, not believing her.

"It would kill him. But there's not much he could do." Laura said, thinking.

"He could get you some help." Brian said, his voice growing louder with disbelief. 

"I never asked for help. It's not as simple as doing it and not doing it, Brian. This isn't your burden to carry. Stop overthinking things." She said. He inhaled about to say something else to talk some sense into her. He was almost sure it was that stupid boyfriend of hers providing her with drugs.

"Brian?" Michelle called from around the corner. He stood up and looked over at her. "You were taking a while, so.." She trailed off. She was a little jealous to see Brian so close to another girl, and Laura being that girl. He also looked like she had just slapped him in the face. "Come on. Everyone's waiting." She said. Brian looked at Laura to follow.

"I have to finish up here." She shook her head and smiled at Michelle. Michelle smiled back. It wasn't like she had any room to be jealous of Brian and Laura. Beside's Laura wasn't even on the tour bus a third of the time. 

After Brian stomped off and Michelle followed Laura grabbed her bottle of Jack Daniels and took a sip. She laid her head on the piano, the cold instrument hitting her face. She didn't like Brian in her business at all. Jimmy would kill her if he found out and he was definitely kill Anthony if he found out he was the one that got her started; actually he more than got her started. She would have been done with heroine by now but that's all Anthony wanted to do. She was scared that if she said no he would become upset. This was her way of letting her wall down and showing Anthony that she was staying with him and wouldn't leave him for someone else.

She remembered his sad face the first time she turned it down. It was like their fight all over again. She knew by letting this continue that it was showing him that she was his and no one else's. In some sick way it was her way of giving him everything she had. 

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