The Flames Begin

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It took Laura a couple hours to get back to the bus. It was four o'clock so she knew, and hoped, that Jimmy would be asleep. She put the vehicle in park and once again, sat in there for a minute. Everything was still; all the lights were out on all the buses and peoples RV's. The only thing that moved was the trees with the light breeze. It seemed like everything was settled now. Laura had a small feeling in her stomach; maybe excitement for the future. Laura yawned and decided there would be time to think later and it was time for some sleep. 

She climbed out the car and made her way inside, being super quiet. She closed the door as quietly as she could and walked super slow so the bus didn't make any noises or movement. Suddenly, she heard a loud chirp to the side of her. She froze in astonishment. She realized it was just Michelle's phone. She could make out the bright white of a phone screen, and she could see Brian's face illuminated from it. He sighed and it seemed like he had fallen back to sleep.

Laura walked the rest of the way to her bunk and slid in, closing the curtain. She kicked her socks off and snuggled up under the covers. Her body relaxed, ready for sleep, but she could never fall asleep. It seemed like she was half way awake the whole night. 

She heard people walking around and making noise so she got up. She did not want to face Jimmy, but she hadn't done anything wrong. She walked into the living room area, only seeing Brian and Leana. 

"Jimmy's not here?" Laura asked Brian. He was making some coffee. He barely mumbled a 'no' and shook his head. "Oh. Um, sorry about taking off and being missing in action and all." She said, trying to keep it casual, twiddling with her hands. 

"It's okay." Brian answered blandly. She was a little confused but figured it was just too early for him.

"I was going to go grab something to eat. Did you want to come?" Laura asked Brian. 

"I can't. I've got to go." Brian said, coldly, walking off the bus. Laura stood there, kind of stunned for a second. He had never acted like that to her. 

"Leana?" She asked after a second. 

"I thought you'd never ask. Ihop or nothing at all." Leana said, grabbing her bag and heading out the door.

"So that was a bit tense this morning... Brian and you." Leana said, looking up from the menu to see Laura's facial expression. She just shrugged not taking her eyes off the menu. 

"I guess he's just pissed; I told him not to get involved from the start so." Laura said, taking a sip of her tea. 

"I think he's just mad at Michelle. She's been a bitch lately. Probably not giving him any." Leana said.

"Leana..." Laura scolded, not knowing what to say.

"Are you going to talk to Jimmy tonight?" Leana asked.

"I'm sure he won't give me a choice. I'm surprised he hasn't called five times by now." Laura said. Laura's phone rang and she looked at Leana, wide-eyed, but saw it was just Val calling. They invited her to come and her and Michelle showed up a few minutes later. The girls all ate their brunch, chatting about different things. 

"I'm going to the mall. I need to get off of that stupid bus for a while." Leana said, walking into the parking lot.

"That sounds so good." Val sighed. The girls looked at Laura, silently asking if she was coming.

"I want to, but since everyone will be gone, I should talk to Jimmy." Laura said. They nodded in understanding and they split up. Laura drove back to the bus. She felt her sleeplessness getting to her. She jumped out of the vehicle and made her way into the bus, hugging herself from the cool air. She walked on and Jimmy was in the first room. She was about to say something when he did too.

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