Fries with that?

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Brian and Laura made their way into the bar. Instead of questioning looks from their friends, Leana made an excited squeal and Val and Zacky threw their hands up, yelling something in terrible Italian accents. They were all clearly buzzed, but the warm welcoming was way better than getting ignored and judged. 

Leana pulled Laura down between her and Val and Johnny put his arm around Brian, pulling him towards the guys. Laura looked over her shoulder at Brian, who was looking at her. She rolled her eyes and smiled at how everyone was acting. There was a drink in Laura's hand with in minutes. 

Laura drank with the girls for a while and they introduced her to their friends. They all chatted for a while and had fun. 

"I'm going to get another drink, anyone want anything?" Laura asked and everyone said no. She got up and headed to the bar. 

"Jameson on the rocks, please." Laura said the the bartender, leaning her side onto the bar. He nodded and began to make it.

"A pretty girl like you shouldn't be buying her own drink." Some random said, squeezing up beside her at the bar. 

"Well... Too late." She said, awkwardly, not really knowing what to say. 

"How about I reimburse you?" He asked. The guy wasn't completely ugly, but he was probably ten years older than her, looked like he had been drinking for years, and didn't know what personal space was.

"Uh, that's not necessary at all." She said, growing annoyed. Who would really give a chick $6 just to look nice at a bar? She glanced over at the guys, hoping they would all stay in their corner, but Brian was already looking her way. She looked down, sighing.

"Well, how about we go some place else? Somewhere we could hear each other." The guy said. 

"Nope, I'm good, right here. By myself..." She told him, sounding more annoyed, trying to get him away. 

"Come on, babe-" The guy started out. Laura was losing her patients. She had had her run ins with borderline sexual assault and she didn't have any of it. 

"Can I help you?" Brian asked, behind Laura. She would have rolled her eyes, if it wasn't for Mr. Persistent in front of her. 

"Can I help you?" The guy shot back in a snarky tone. 

"Nah." Brian said, grabbing Laura and facing her towards him. He put his arms around her. "Just came to get my girlfriend." Brian tried to ignore the guy, but he didn't leave. Quite the opposite.

"If you two are together, then why did she say she was alone?" The guy said, thinking he had figured it out.

"Man, I was trying to save you the embarrassment, but if you want me to rub it in your face and make out with her right here I will." Brian said, drunkenly looking at the man, waiting for confirmation. The guy just waited. "Alright." Brian shrugged and went in to kiss Laura. Before she could do anything, the guy got the point and walked away. 

"Thanks." Laura said, pulling away from him, grabbing her drink, and going back to the girls. She felt a little weird after that. Why was Brian always so comfortable with touching her and doing things like that? 

After a little while, the guys and girls fused together and everyone sat at a big table, talking. Laura stepped outside; she liked hanging out with everyone but she wasn't that used to the bar scene. She had spent years at college, studying, so it was weird to just party all night. Of course, she had been to college parties, but she usually left after a bit. 

"You okay?" Jimmy asked, slipping out beside her. He hugged his thin frame, due to the coolness outside. 

"Yeah, yeah. I was just getting some air. It's kind of muggy inside." She assured him. He nodded and they were quiet for a minute.

"Hey... Uh. Thanks for making me apologize to Brian. I should have done it a long time ago. He is an awesome guy, and he never means any harm." Jimmy said.

"Are you trying to be his wing man?" She asked, not interested in Jimmy's antics. 

"Maybe. He's DTF tonight, Laura." Jimmy said.

"Oh my gosh, you're not allowed to talk to me for a whole twelve hours because of that." She said.

"But, really. I owe you an apology, too. I wish I was a little more like you, sometimes." He told her. He expected her to rub it in his face. 

"Thank you. Not many people can actually admit when they're wrong. And you're forgiven. But not for the DTF statement. I'll never forgive you for that." Laura said. Jimmy just smiled and went back inside. She stayed outside for a little bit longer; as soon as she was about to go back in, Brian came out and grabbed her by the wrist. He hailed a taxi and shoved her in first. 

"Where to?" The cab driver asked. The guy took his cab driving duties to heart. He had a button up, fake silk shirt, and was wearing some awful hat and he was just trying to be cliche. 

"Carls Jr." Brian answered, smiling. They didn't say much on the drive there. He did keep an arm around her though, and they sat in comfortable silence. They were both beyond buzzed and content with not speaking. 

"Do you want to go through the drive through?" The driver asked.

"No, you can just drop us off here. Thanks." Brian said, handing him wadded up cash and jumping out. Brian took Laura over to one of the tables outside and made her sit down. He disappeared for a while. She just got on her phone and answered Jimmy's texts. He wanted to know where they went. 

After about fifteen minutes Brian came around the corner with a ridiculous amount of fast food bags. 

"Here you are, princess." He said, setting the bags down and unloading them. He had about ten drinks, so she assumed the others would show up soon.

Brian unloaded three things of chili cheese fries, four curly fries, some jalapeno poppers, seven things of chicken tenders, ten bacon cheese burgers, three burgers with a crunchy onion things on them, two turkey burgers, and five chicken sandwiches, and about eight things of regular fries. 

"Brian... This is ridiculous." Laura said. There would be no way they ate all that.

"Do you want a shake with them fries?" He asked, holding up a chocolate shake and handing it to her. "I got you a turkey burger because I know you like that best, and chili cheese fries, and sometimes you like burgers so I got a bacon burger for you, but also chicken tenders just in case." He said, handing her all of those. 

"Thanks, Bri." She awkwardly smiled, taking the arm full of food and just one chicken tender. They ate in silence for a few minutes until everyone else showed up. Laura was glad Brian had gave her so much food, because as soon as Matt and Jimmy got there, it was gone. It also wasn't quiet anymore. It was pretty loud with all the talking. 

Laura paused when someone touched her arm. She almost froze when she noticed it was Brian and that he had grabbed her hand. She acted like she didn't really notice and kept talking with everyone. Brian had looked over at her, but she wouldn't look at him and he wouldn't let go.

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