Not the One I Need

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Jimmy was sitting on the couch, arms crossed and he wasn't talking to anyone really. No one was talking to him because they knew he was still pissed about Laura. Brian had told him that Laura didn't storm off because she thought he had moved on, but because Anthony may be dead, but he didn't care. 

Brian was sitting in there with him, watching something on the TV. Michelle walked through the room and grabbed her bag, getting ready to leave. Brian jumped up and walked over to her.

"Hey, hey. I was, uh. I was going to go get some breakfast if you wanted to." He said. 

"Oh. Um, I was actually on my way out." She said, standing there awkwardly. She noticed Brian looking down, not saying anything. "I mean, it seems like Jimmy is upset and everything. I was just going to disappear and get out of the way." She explained.

"Okay..." Brian answered and started walking back to the bus.

"We can have dinner tonight." She said before he was out of sight. He stopped and turned towards her, bitting the inside of his cheek.

"Okay." He agreed. She nodded and threw in a small smile. 


"Jason, hey." Matt said, spotting Jason. Matt was buttoning his shirt up, getting ready to perform. The guys were backstage warming up. Jimmy turned at the mention of Jason's name and gave his full attention.

"Where's LC?" Brian asked, already regretting asking. He knew she wasn't in the bus, tucked away in her bunk. 

"Yeah." Jason said, scratching his head. "She just dropped me off. She took off with Anthony. He lived." Jason explained. 

"Where'd she go?" Jimmy asked, almost through gritted teeth. 

"I don't know." Jason said, throwing his hands up a little and walking off. Jimmy got out his phone and began dialing her number. 

"Just give her space, man. She's not that dumb." Brian said to Jimmy. Jimmy gave him a death glare, but they had to go on stage, so nothing else came of it. Brian could, however, hear Jimmy beating the drums harder than he usually does. 


"Are you feeling okay?" Laura asked Anthony. He had been silent for a little bit. 

"Yeah. Are you?" He asked her. She smiled a little.

"This isn't about me." She answered. 

"It may not mean anything. But I really am sorry, Laura. For all of this." Anthony said. 

"You don't need to worry about anyone but yourself, Anthony." She said, keeping her eyes on the road. 

"I'll have at least thirty days of that. Let me worry about you." He smiled. Laura was driving him back to Newport to check him into a rehabilitation center. When he was in the hospital they made the decision to get him back home and get him some help. He seemed like he wanted to do it to. 

"I'm not the one checking out of the hospital..." She said, quietly. 

"I'm sorry. I- I was being stupid. I thought I had lost you for good. Nothing really mattered." He said.

"You have. You can't put that on someone. And you should never base your entire life on someone." Laura said. He stopped talking. He knew he was making her more upset. 


"Where the hell is she?" Jimmy asked, still pissed. 

"I've called her twenty times. She'll answer when she's ready." Brian said. Him and Michelle were getting ready to go to dinner. Jimmy hadn't stopped calling and texting Laura since they got off stage. 

"He'll stay by his phone just in case. If we hear anything we'll call you first." Michelle said, trying to sooth him. They finally escaped Jimmy's wrath and Brian drove them to a restaurant. He even opened Michelle's door for her. They got inside and ordered their entree's and sipped on some wine. 

"Has he been like that all day?" Michelle asked about Jimmy.

"More like all month. I don't know what his deal is." Brian said.

"That's his sister." Michelle shrugged, knowing somewhat why he was so tense. "So what did happen exactly?" Michelle asked.

"Which part?" Brian asked. He thought she was there for most of it. She shrugged again. "Last night? She heard he was with some chick, who was apparently a junkie and she found him unconscious. Everyone thought he was dead." Brian said. 

"Oh, wow. That's just crazy." Michelle said. 

"So where were you?" Brian asked, getting serious. 

"This morning?" Michelle asked, all innocent. "I was just with a friend. I met this girl at one of the shows and when I feel like I need to get out of the way I meet her. She knows the situation about the bus and all the people." Michelle said. Brian nodded. He wasn't sure what was true anymore. They were so distant and she seemed like she wasn't even trying. She just kept looking around the restaurant, sipping wine, like she had somewhere better to be. She changed the subject and chatted about things that were irrelevant.


Laura pulled up in front of the building. She put the car in park and turned towards Anthony. 

"I promise I'll make things better. I'm going to get better and we can be together again." Anthony said. Laura rolled her eyes and her face began turning red. 

"If that's what you think this is fucking about then I might as well just take you to your house." She said cranking the car.

"Laura, stop." Anthony said, putting his hand on her arm.

"This isn't about me and you. I'm not ever getting back together with you. I want you to get better so you can actually live to see thirty, but if you don't even care then there's no sense in going through all of this." She said, loudly. 

"I want to do this." Anthony said, lowly.

"Anthony, I'm not in love with you. I love you deeply, but I don't feel the things I should feel when I'm with you. But you shouldn't live for me. You should go in there and make things better for yourself and put every bit of this behind you. I can never give you what you need, and honestly this relationship has never been good." She hid her face from him, and wiped her tears. She turned back to him. "I don't want to be with you anymore, but that doesn't mean I want you dead. Please, get some help for me, for your mom, your family, for you." She said. Anthony leaned over and kissed her hard and fast.

"I love you, Laura. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." Anthony said and got out of the car, grabbing his bag. He made his way to the building, but turned back and waved at her before going in. 

She sat in the car for a few minutes processing everything. This was entirely too much shit to go through, even in a year. She pulled out her phone and saw the endless text and calls from Jimmy and some from Brian and some from Zacky, that she knew Jimmy made him send. She began typing a message to Jimmy. 

I'm coming home. It'll take me a bit. Go to sleep so you won't yell at me when I get there.

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