Penny For Your Thoughts

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Laura sipped on her hot, caffeinated drink as she reviewed the song samples she was going to send to Pixar. Work was the only thing keeping her going, and that was barely getting the job done. Sometimes she wished she had gotten a real job so she felt like she had a little bit of meaning in life. She could have gone to be a doctor. But instead she was just sitting in a small studio, writing songs for films.

Honestly, she was just upset about Anthony. She still loved him with everything she had, but it wasn't the same. The other day, Matt Berry was telling her how bad Anthony had gotten. When they first broke up, he was trying to leave the tour and get back home, but now he was just hopeless. He had let the drugs take over. They said he was still here because he couldn't afford to leave; also, he didn't know where he was half the time, he was so stoned. She sighed, downing the rest of her cooling beverage and lunged herself into her work. She wasn't going to give herself any time to think about it. After she reviewed and sent the samples she went back into the soundproof room and began practicing.

After she had exhausted her vocals she locked up the shop and stopped off at a little Asian restaurant for hot green tea and dinner. She sent Val a quick text asking if they wanted anything. She got her food and made the short walk back. When she got back, she sat on the recliner and ate slowly, watching some crime show.

She heard voices and seconds later the boys and their girlfriends filed their way in the bus. Everyone was still conversing and Jimmy went over to Laura and kissed her on the top of the head. Ever since her and Anthony broke up, Jimmy was acting like he was the best brother ever. He acted like nothing had ever happened and he was trying to be protective over Laura. She held some sort of resentment towards him. He had never liked Anthony and he blamed everything on him, as far as their break up went. Laura knew it was both of their faults. But Jimmy had been an ass to her except for now. He acted like he knew everything but he didn't even know that she was a part of Anthony's problem.

Everyone continued talking and Laura quietly put the rest of her food into her bag and made her way to the back room, with out being noticed. Brian did notice though; he also noticed Michelle slipping out too. No one had caught onto their awkwardness, not even her sister. They could both tough it out and act like everything was normal.

After a couple more minutes, Val and Matt went to watch a movie and Zacky went to call his girlfriend. Brian took that time to slip out and go into the back room with Laura.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Brian asked her in a weird voice off a video she had shown him. The corner of her lips turned up into a smile; not a full one. She leaned her head onto the back of the couch and continued to watch the show. "Are you okay, Laura?" Brian asked once a commercial had came on.

"I'm just in a mood." She answered. He wanted to press her further, but he was learning that she wasn't so fond of that. "I just need to get off this fucking bus and into a real house." She said, lighter, getting up and making her way back into the front. He followed her.

Everyone was gathered around talking about something. Laura began to grab her jacket and purse and keys, tidying up the room a bit.

"What are you guys talking about?" She asked. They all turned to her with a blank expression.

"Uh... Someone just called and told me they saw Anthony's with, um, a red hair chick earlier." Jimmy said slowly, trying to break it to her easy. Her voice hitched in her throat and before she knew what she was doing she had pushed her way past them, off the bus. Before she was too far, Jimmy grabbed her wrist, trying to pull her back. She was able to escape his grip easily and kept going.

"Laura!" Jimmy yelled, pissed off. Everyone was outside the bus watching. It was so much like Jimmy to not understand the full situation, but to just get mad because Laura wasn't doing what he wanted her to. She made it to the roadie bus to see Jason.

"Where is he?" She asked.

"The last time I saw him was over by the showers." Jason stuttered; he was confused and stunned to see her looking for Anthony. She ran over to his area, not exactly sure where to find him. She saw the run down RV with her outside of it. Laura pushed her out of the way and made her way inside. There were a few people in there, all high. She saw his long black hair and went over to his side.

"Anthony?" She asked. He didn't answer so she rolled him over. He fell limply to his side. She let out a scream, not expecting what she got. His eyes were glazed over in an icy blue, and his skin was pale purple and he had a thin line of blood coming out of his nostril. He wasn't breathing. She knew he didn't make it, but she still tried to preform CPR. A couple people had heard her scream and had run onto the RV to see what had happened. They began to call 911, assessing the situation.

Five minutes later an ambulance had arrived and took Anthony away on a stretcher. 

-I may be the biggest jerk for not uploading for half a year then leaving you with a cliff hanger. sowwy

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