My Favorite Sport

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Laura let out a gasp of air, that was supposed to be a laugh. She had spent the whole day watching Full House reruns, and she wouldn't have it any other way. She let out another laugh.

"Hey, Jimmy's getting Chinese. Want anything?" Brian asked, peaking around the corner on the phone. 

"Shrimp and lobster, a order of egg rolls and egg drop soup." She said, not missing a beat. Brian repeated the order and added some orange chicken. He got off the phone and sat on the couch by Laura. Laura moved to the other side a little bit, making room for him. They hadn't talked much over the past two days. 

"So... How's it going?" Brian asked, patting his legs. Laura was staring intently at the TV.

"Brian, could you do this another time, when Full House isn't on?" Laura asked, not masking her annoyance. 

"But it's always on! It's been on for hours." He said. She kept watching, basically ignoring him. She wasn't trying to be mean; she just rediscovered Full House and was really digging it. 

"Brian, I figured we could go get a bite to eat." Michelle said, coming from the back all done up with a strappy dress on.

"Jimmy's bringing home Chinese." Brian said, looking bored. 

"Why didn't you ask me if I wanted anything, too?" Michelle asked.

"Honestly, I didn't figure you would be here." Brian said in mock sweetness and smiled. She huffed and walked off the bus. Even though the show was very entertaining, Laura couldn't help but to see the exchange that just happened. Brian looked back at the TV, not worrying about Michelle.

"What was that about?" Laura asked, eyeing Brian.

"What?" Brian asked, like nothing had just happened. 

"Do you always treat each other like shit or just today?" Laura asked.

"You don't miss anything do you, Laura?" Brian asked, in a snarky tone. 

"Okay... I get it. You could give me your opinion all day when it was my problems, but when you're on the receiving end then you just shut me down." Laura nodded. 

"Well, unlike you, I don't get trashed with no good roadies and act stupid." Brian cooed.

"Oh really? You were way worse that night at the bar? And I may have been stupid but at least I wasn't a complete asshole and accused people of things that absolutely were not happening!" Laura argued. She was getting more angry because she didn't want him to affect her this way. 

"I don't even know what you're talking about." He said, rolling his eyes. 

"Whatever, Brian. You know, your mood swings are getting really old. Either be an ass or be nice." Laura said, trying to retreat to the back.

"My mood swings? You haven't kept the same mood for an hour, Laura! Half the time, I'm scared to talk to you because I don't know how you'll react." Brian said, his voice growing louder. 

"Obviously not, because that hasn't stopped you from talking to me." Laura said, in a lower, less angry voice. 

"I tried one damn time, and you just acted like a bitch, so I decided to leave you alone." 

"I didn't even fucking say anything to you, Brian! What do you expect from me?" Laura shouted.

"Fine, Laura, if you want me to leave you alone, then I will!" Brian was getting louder and Laura wanted to beat him.

"Yes, I do, so you won't confess weird shit to me when you're wasted!" She said, but immediately stopped after she said it. She had won; Brian looked almost terrified and he wasn't yelling anymore.

"What did I say?" He asked, serious. She felt a knot rise up her throat and she was starting to get hot. She told herself she was going to forget that part of the night and get over it, but she knew she hadn't. 

"It was nothing. You were just acting weird." She muttered out. 

"I know that's not the real answer." Brian said, wanting to look her in the eye, but he was too embarrassed to. Had he told her about Michelle? Or was it something worse? He had no idea what he said that night. All he remembered was waking up on her leg, in a car. 

"Like I said, it was nothing. You were just being weird." She shrugged off and almost sprinted to the back. He would have followed her, but he wasn't sure how to get an answer from her. Then, Jimmy and Leana came back, with their food. 

"LC, your food is here." Leana said, walking to the back. Laura popped out of her bunk.

"Want to watch a movie?" Laura asked, quickly. She knew Brian would leave her alone if she was with someone.

"Sure." Leana shrugged, noticing Laura's urgency, but not saying anything. 


It had been two days since Brian and Laura's awkward encounter. She had almost forgot about it by drinking all night. But now that it was day time, and she wasn't drunk, she remembered everything, and had a headache. And to make things better, everyone had promised to go to a baseball game with Zacky. And it wasn't even a big league game. 

Laura had on a dress and a big, elaborate pea coat from the night before. She also had it paired with sunglasses and some unruly hair. Everyone who was at the game with her knew of her condition, and they didn't argue or go sit by her when she sat two rows ahead of them, by herself. 

"Matt and Brian are here, I'm going to go get them." Johnny said, and skipped up the bleachers to go find them. 

"Oh, and Laura's on one today. She's completely hungover. She's even in her dress from last night. She is giving no fucks today." Johnny warned them as they walked to the seats. They stopped at the opening and looked for everyone. "Over here." Johnny pointed and him and Matt began to walk towards everyone.

"Michelle cheated on me." Laura heard from behind her. She could see him out of the corner of her glasses, a row behind her, leaning forward. He looked at her, waiting for her to say something, but she didn't for a while. He didn't even think she would answer him.

"That's all you had to say. You didn't have to yell for half an hour." She said. 

"Well, we both have strange ways of doing things." He answered. "You look cute today." He smirked and leaned back, stretching his legs out and putting his arms behind his head. He started talking to Zacky while they watched the game. 

He didn't see, but Laura was smiling; not a lot, but she still was. 

(I channeled my inner Carrie Bradshaw during this one. If you have questions just google carrie bradshaw baseball images. Her outfit will be somewhat similar to Laura XD )

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