The Beginning of the End

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The last couple of weeks of the tour were going by quickly. Laura was trying to spend as much time as she could with everyone, but it was hard because everyone was going in different directions. Not only was she still recording songs and making mixes, she was now going through a lot more emails and junk. She felt like a secretary these last few weeks because she was doing so many calls and emails and making so many notes. The guys were all still trying to do concerts but also lining stuff up for when they got home. Jimmy had met with some company about making some drumsticks and Brian and Zacky were going to do interviews with a couple guitar magazines; poor Val was helping all of them out and contacting people for them. 

Laura had woke up and got ready. Brian and the guys were already gone. She wasn't sure where, but she figured it was band business. She had taken a quick shower and done her make up and threw on some ripped cropped jeans, sneakers, and plain v-neck, and a cardigan. She was grabbing her large purse, about to walk out when Val stopped her.

"Where are you going?" She asked. 

"Who knows." Laura said, meaning she had no idea where work would take her. 

"Well, you need to go change." Val said. 

"What?" Laura asked, smirking back at Val. She had no idea what she meant. 

"I already called Manny and told him you're not coming in. You need a day off. This is one of the last days so were hanging out." Val said. Laura really didn't need a day off because she had taken a lot off while on tour, but it was for Val. 

"What are we doing, captain?" Laura asked, setting her bag back down.

"We're going to the beach!" Val said. After a little discussion, the girls were on the way to the mall because Laura didn't have a bathing suit and Val said she could use a new one. After a few hours at the mall, the girls left with bathing suits and much more. 

When they got back, Laura changed into her bathing suit. It was black and acid wash and it was a halter top with just plain bottoms to match. She had also bought a hippy looking beach hoodie because it was a little cool, but the water was supposed to be warm. 

They made their way to the beach, and upon Val parallel parking into a spot, Laura saw that there seemed to be a pretty big event going on at the beach. There was a lot of fire pits with guests around them, some people were surfing and ski sailing, some people were just drinking and dancing. Laura actually spotted the guys around a fire pit, some sitting, some standing, with  beers in their hands. Val and Laura swam for a little bit with Leana, but then they joined the guys soon for a little while. It was too cold, and they were growing hungry, so they went to the bus to change and sit down for a bit before dinner.

When they got back everyone sat down and began talking and watching TV, but Laura actually took a quick nap. Big bodies of water and sun always drained her; plus, she hadn't been sleeping a lot lately. She jolted back awake when she felt the bed shift. It was just Brian and he put his hand on her to calm her down. 

"You need to stop working so much." Brian said.

"Just wait until we get back home and I have my own office." She said groggily, her eyes still closed. 

"Guys, we're fucking starving!" Jimmy yelled from the front. 

"Just ignore him." Brian whispered.

"I will not be ignored!" Jimmy said, busting in the door. Him and Brian fake fought for a couple minutes until Laura got onto them for bumping into her too much. 

"I'm just trying to get you up so we can all go and have a nice dinner." Jimmy said.

"It's never a nice dinner with you, Jimmy." Laura shot. He did a little karate move and kicked at her. She locked herself in the bathroom to change back into her first outfit of the day, but she put on some ankle booties instead of sneakers. She touched up her make up because, even though they didn't get underwater much, some still came off at the beach. 

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