Zacky + Laura

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Brian sang to himself, quietly. He moved his feet a little, which was supposed to be a dance. He finished washing the products out of his hair. Even though Brian couldn't remember the slightest snipet of last night, he was actually in a good mood. His head hurt a tiny bit, but nothing over bearing. He was washing his face off, when he felt two arms slip around him. He immediately turned to see who it was. He should have known from her thin, slippery arms, it was the snake herself.

"Michelle, get out." Brian sighed; there went his good mood. 

"Oh, come on. Are you really going to make me get out?" She asked. It was true, Brian couldn't resist a pretty, naked girl. 

"No." He cooed. She smiled. "I'll get out." He said, exiting the other side of the shower. Her smile disappeared. 

"Brian, don't act like that." She said, following him. "You know I still care about you and only you." She said, wrapping her arms around him and pressing her naked body against his back.

"Actually, I don't. But I don't want to anymore. If you cared about me you would have shown it when I tried to make things right and spend more time with you. You could have left him then and act like nothing ever happened and I would have never known. But you continued. And did you honestly think I wouldn't notice you disappearing all the time? I don't know how Val didn't catch on." Brian said. Michelle's face contorted, thinking about Val. "Yeah, she won't be happy when she finds out." Brian said, picking up the rest of his clothes. He had put his boxers on, just so Michelle couldn't see anything.

"Wait, we can figure this out like adults." Michelle said, silently freaking out at the thought of Val knowing. 

"Don't worry, Michelle. I'm not going to tell your sister. I'll let her figure it out for herself. But let's get one things straight, we're not together and I'm not playing your games anymore. I don't care how long you stay, but I'm not going to put on a show for everyone to make you look better." Brian said, unlocking the door and walking out. Michelle heard him say something to someone. She wiped the upset look off her face, covered herself with a towel, and walked out of the bathroom. 


Laura heard the shower running. She tried to wait as patiently as she could, but last night was weighing on her and she just wanted to clean herself. Not to mention her mascara was caked around her eyes. She heard the shower shut off and she was relieved. It took about another five minutes for Brian to come out. He stomach filled with butterflies and she almost felt like she couldn't breathe. 

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know you were waiting. I would have been faster." Brian said, somewhat smiling and walking past her. She took a second to recuperate and went towards the bathroom. Before she could push the door open, it opened on its own. Michelle came out with wet hair and just a towel and went the other way. I would have been faster. Laura sprinted towards the bathroom and slammed it closed behind her, locking it. She turned the shower on and sat on top on the toilet. She ran her hands through her hair a couple times. 

Brian didn't remember a thing from last night. And then to make it worse, he basically hits on Laura and then has sex with Michelle the next day. What else would they be doing? Laura felt so stupid for believing that something was between her and Brian. Of course there wasn't anything. He just felt bad for her because of Anthony and if Jimmy found out Brian knew, he would kill him. Now that that was all over, Brian could resume his normal daily life and not worry about guilt. 

Laura slipped into the shower and tried not to touch the walls. She was sure Michelle's body had been pressed up to it. She quickly took a shower and got out, slipping on a beige, loose dress with red and brown print around the bottom. 

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