Fight Club

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Laura mindlessly hit the keys on the piano. She was so tired, mentally and physically. After being at the studio for so long, all the tunes and lyrics were running together. But she didn't want to go back and wake Brian. He would wake in the next couple hours and she would go back and sleep the rest of the day.

Instead of trying to record anymore songs, she went through emails. She went through and organized which soundtracks needed to be done first. Her phone went off in her purse and she jolted up. She didn't even know she had grabbed his phone. She went over to her phone, yawning and digging through her purse to find it. She found it and saw Val's name. Her brows furrowed; if Val was calling at this time, something wasn't right. 

"Hello?" Laura answered.

"Laura, you need to get over here. Brian and Jimmy are about to kill each other." Val said. Laura didn't even answer. She grabbed her bag and ran out, quickly locking the door. She didn't notice she didn't turn the lights off or anything, but Manny would be there in a couple hours anyway. Luckily, she took the car to the studio so she was able to get back to the bus in four minutes. 


Jimmy couldn't sleep. He had swore he heard whispering a while back, and Johnny's constant snoring didn't help. He laid in bed for another two hours before he decided to get up and sit in the other room and watch TV. 

Nothing was really on, but he knew he wasn't going to fall asleep, regardless of his yawning. He had found some horror movie on and began watching it. At one point it got very loud, and Jimmy struggled for the remote, turning it down; the movie had been so quiet most of the time. Jimmy heard a curtain open and he looked in the room to see who it was he had woken up. Laura's curtain opened. But Brian came out. 

"What. the. FUCK?!" Jimmy yelled. Brian went to say something, obviously confused since he just woke up.

"What's going on Jimmy?" Leana asked, peeking out the bunk. Matt, Val, Michelle, Johnny, and Zacky were all waking up.

"Apparently, Brian can't keep it in his fucking pants!" Jimmy yelled. 

"What?!" Brian yelled, finally realizing what happened. "Laura's not even in the bunk!" Brian defended. No one looked to believe him. He looked at Michelle to see what she was doing. "Michelle?" He silently asked for her to back him up. He should have known better. She looked down, ashamed. He scoffed and Jimmy kept going on and yelling. Brian would try and walk off but Jimmy would just follow, more angry that Brian was ignoring him.

Brian tried to walk away one more time, but Jimmy pushed him and it caused Brian to snap. Right then, Laura ran up. She saw them pretty close to each other and Matt was standing by incase anything happened.

"Why can't you get it through your damn head that nothing is happening?" Brian yelled at Jimmy. Laura could see red faces and veins popping, she knew it wasn't good. She didn't spend anytime trying to break it up, she just ran in the middle of them.

"Why the hell are random guys in your bed, Laura?!" Jimmy yelled. Laura realized what all this was about. 

"Oh, so when you were doing that to Leana it was fine?" Brian asked back. There was a time that Leana and Jimmy weren't as they are. It was a long time ago. But Jimmy didn't appreciate Brian's comment. He lurched forward at him, but Laura was between them, and Brian was somewhat protecting her enough to push Jimmy away.

"Stop! I'm so fucking tired of your small ass mind! Obviously, I wasn't in there with Brian. If you would get your head out of our asses for five minutes you would see Michelle's the one cheating on Brian." Laura was talking so fast she didn't realize it had came out. Everyone exchanged glances and Val looked at Michelle, who again, looked down in shame.

"He didn't tell anyone because he didn't want anything like this to happen. And he didn't want your perception of her to change. That's why were always together now. Because I'm the only one who knew and when she pissed him off he came to me to vent." She said. She looked at Val who was trying to process it all; Matt looked guilty, and Jimmy still looked a bit angry. Michelle looked angry, ashamed, and confused. 

Laura hadn't thought about how Brian would react towards her for telling his secret. She looked over at him and his face was completely blank. She couldn't tell if he was angry or sad or what. No one said anything. 

"I'm... going to go to bed." Laura said, playing with her finger nail. It had grown awkward. She walked past everyone and into the back. She barely took the time to drop her purse and take off her shoes before she got into her bunk and closed the curtain. 


She woke up way later and it was dark outside. She didn't want to get out of her bunk for a while because she heard the TV playing so someone must have been there. But her constant stomach growling almost forced her up. She walked into the main room and saw Matt. She awkwardly smiled and ran past him to the kitchen. She grabbed the first pre-made thing she saw and ran back to her bunk.

"You don't have to act like that. We fucked up." Matt called after her. She stopped and turned to him.

"It shouldn't have came out like that. It was Brian's to tell. I should have stayed out of it." She said.

"Val was going to find out. And it may hurt her, but her sister isn't as good as Val thinks she is. And what else were you going to do? Take our shit for another couple months?" Matt said. She shrugged and went to the back room. 

After a while Val had came back there. She peaked her head in, trying to see if she was bothering Laura. She came in and stood in front of the door. 

"Um. I'm sorry. We're all sorry. Even Jimmy, even if he won't admit it right now. We should have taken our head out of your asses to look at the bigger picture." Val said. 

"I didn't mean it... like that. I just. I mean, Brian was hurt and he was in the right." Laura explained herself.

"I know. You don't have to say anything else. We're sorry." Val said, smiling. 

"Well, thank you. I just want to forget about all of it." Laura said and Val nodded, exiting the room. She still felt a little bad for accusing them. It did make Laura feel a little better that they believed her. She knew Jimmy still wouldn't come around and that Michelle was probably furious. She was more nervous about Brian's reaction than both of them combined. 

She was wondering if he would even come talk to her. What if he would have let it slide that she was doing heroine, back when she was Anthony? She probably never would have spoke to him again, even if it needed to come out. She was glad they knew, so that her and Brian didn't have to make excuses to  hang out, but now he probably wouldn't speak to her at all. 

She tried to stop thinking about it because it was all she thought about today and she just wanted it to be forgotten. She began watching TV again and tried to actually get into it. 

But when Brian walked in she sat straight up; she looked so stunned. Brian went to walk to the couch and she moved to one side so he could have the other and he wouldn't have to be around her, like she knew he didn't want to be. 

He sat down and it took him a second to speak, but when he did Laura almost wished he didn't.

"Why did you tell, Laura?" He asked, looking at her for an explanation, but she had a thick lump in her throat that she couldn't get out.

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