I Don't Want to be Here

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It was 8:07 and everyone had left at one this afternoon. Avenged Sevenfold wasn't going preform until tomorrow night. 

"Jeeves, could you bring us 'round to the fine dinning establishment?" Brian asked the bus driver Merle. Brian had already been drinking a tiny bit, but he was excited to be back on tour. Merle just shook his head and found the nearest restaurant-hotel combo to drop them off at. 

Laura waited until everyone had gotten off to follow. Merle followed her and she small talked with him until they made it inside. They made reservations for six rooms under different pseudonyms. 

"I'm going to the room." Merle said.

"You didn't want to get something to eat?" Laura asked, concerned that he would distance himself without food.

"I'll order room service then pass out." He said. She could tell he was groggy and that he definitely needed sleep.

"Alright, go relax and sleep good." She said to him, following her brother into the restaurant area. Matt and the guys were already talking to Val. "Valary Dibenedetto, so nice to see you again." Laura said in a Christopher Walken voice, squinting her eyes. 

"Lauren Sullivan. It's been so long." Val answered back in the same voice.

"Ugh, why do you always do this?" Matt yelled. The Walken voice got on his nerves so bad.

"I didn't know you were coming!" Val smiled, walking beside Laura towards the table.

"Um, hello? Where's my girlfriend?" Brian asked. 

"She's in the bathroom, Brian. Her bladder's not steel. And you guys took forever." Val answered, sitting down at the table.

Everyone finally piled around the table and ordered food and drinks. Everyone, except Laura, had at least a glass of beer and a shot or two. Anthony kissed her hand, which he had been holding all night.

"Do you want to go relax?" He asked her, quietly. She nodded, sliding away from the table. 

"Where do you two think you're going? You're not wasted yet." Jimmy said.

"Someone has to be sober to bail your skinny ass out of jail." Laura answered. "Call me when we're ready to leave in the morning." She said, walking out with Anthony. One of them at the table whistled then everyone joined in and the entire table was whistling as they left. "They're pretty embarrassing." Laura said and Anthony chuckled. 

Laura's phone blared Daft Punk; she rubbed her eyes then turned over to answer it.

"Yeah?" She asked groggy.

"We're leaving soon. You guys get ready and come down." Jimmy said. She could tell he was tired too. She just mumbled an acknowledgement and hung up. She shook Anthony until he woke up and they gathered their stuff then went downstairs. Only a few roadies and the drivers were downstairs so Laura loaded up her bags then went back inside for breakfast. 

Laura sat at a small table by herself with her loaded plate of fruits, eggs, toast, and bacon. She was beginning to wake up more. Jimmy made his way across the room, grabbing a coffee then sitting in front of her.

"Why don't you eat something? We won't be stopping until we get to the stadium." Laura said. 

"I can't stomach anything." Jimmy said. She figured most of them would wake up with a hangover. They always drank pretty heavy on the first day. The rest of the boys made their way into the dining room, all grabbing coffee's or orange juice and pulling up chairs to the two seater bistro table. After no one talked Laura got up and got another coffee, walking outside to the buses. 

The rest of the boys followed her, loading up their bags. Michelle and Val made it outside a couple minutes later all done up and ready for the day. Laura had thrown on foundation, mascara, and eyeliner but figured she'd get all done up for the concert. 

"Alright. We have to get going." Merle said looking at his watch. Avenged Sevenfold and their two ladies started to get on the bus. Laura followed Anthony, trying to get on the roadie bus with him.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jimmy asked, peeking off the bus, with everyone behind him looking at Laura.

"Yeah, sorry Laura. We don't have enough room for you." Anthony said. She couldn't tell if he was pissed or upset or both. She turned away from their bus and went back to Avenged Sevenfold's. She made her way to the beds, taking Jimmy's and pulled out her laptop.

Zacky and Johnny both went back to sleep and Jimmy, Michelle, Brian, and Val watched TV while Matt worked on something. 

"Laura." Jimmy said softly. She opened her eyes. She got bored after being on her laptop so she started a movie and fell asleep. "We were going to make something to eat, did you want anything?" Jimmy asked. She looked at her watch and saw it was past one. They wouldn't make it until about four.

"I'll help." She nodded, getting up and following Jimmy. Everyone was in the living room area, fully awake now. 

"I've got it. Just sit down." Jimmy said, leaving her with everyone else and going to cook something. Everyone was conversing when she sat down. She just listened, smiling at some things, but not talking much. It had been two and a half years since she was really close to any of the guys or even Val. Michelle, Gena, and Leana were all somewhat knew to her. She had met them a couple times and even talked, but she didn't know them too well. 

They began talking about old times, and she drifted off, not knowing what they were talking about. She got up to help Jimmy but he wouldn't let her, so she went to get ready just to get away.

She felt a pit in her stomach. She wasn't sure why she had come. Obviously, Jimmy had talked her into it and she did want to spend time with him, but she didn't even think about it. All the guys had changed, even Jimmy had changed and she wasn't even going to get to see Anthony as much. It almost made her want to cry, knowing she was trapped on tour with seven people she barely knew. 

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