You Make Things Worse

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Everyone had heard some of the fight last night. They went back to the bus a couple minutes after Laura and Brian left to make sure things were okay, but they heard Laura break down and couldn't bring themselves to intervene. They all went to a bar and sat there for a while before going back. They didn't hear any commotion, but they made a lot of noise coming back on. All they found was Brian passed out, with a pillow over his face. They didn't see Laura but her bunk drape was closed.

She stayed awake for hours, and after everyone went to sleep, she couldn't help but to cry silently. She had barely slept, but she just couldn't fall asleep. She half way slept for a couple of hours, but when she heard everyone else was up, she got up. 

Everyone was waiting to see if she would be okay, but when she walked in, they knew she wasn't. Her eyes were red and swollen but she had gray bags under them, she looked drained, and her hair was flat and stringy. Everyone looked between her and Brian, trying to measure the tension. She completely ignored them and him, but he looked down, avoiding everyone's gaze. She made a bowl of cereal and stood and ate it while staring at the TV with a blank expression. 

Everyone wanted to make sure she was okay, but they had never seen her like that and they weren't sure how she would react if they started questioning her. Val went over to her and peeked out the window. 

"I guess it's going to rain all day; I hate this weather." Val sighed.

"Mhum." Laura answered. She finished her bowl and basically dropped it in the sink, making a loud clatter. She walked out of the living room back into the back room. Everyone was silent for a while. They didn't want to talk about her when Brian was in the room. 

The door opened, pulling everyone's thoughts away. They didn't know who it could be. All eyes went to Brian as Michelle walked onto the bus. 

"This isn't my doing." Brian said, sensing the tension. 

"I wanted to talk to her." Michelle said, sounding a little guilty. No one said anything, so she went to the back to find her. Laura was searching through her bags when Michelle walked back there. She stopped, putting her bag down. She just didn't care at the moment, so she wasn't that pissed that Michelle was there. 

"Brian never cheated on you." Michelle said, not knowing where to start.

"Oh, then that settles it." Laura said, sarcastically, and began looking through her bag again.

"He didn't. Brian would have never cheated on me, so he definitely will never cheat on you." Michelle said.

"Do you feel better now?" Laura asked, bored. 

"I'm trying to help you." Michelle began, but Laura cut her off.

"Why are you really here? You've never wanted to help me or Brian. Did you just want to see him? Or rub it in my face that you're the bitch he called to try and make me jealous?" Laura asked, narrowing her eyes at Michelle.

"Look, Laura, I am just trying to help. I've done a lot of damage and obviously you two are pretty serious so I want to stay out of the way. But you have to remember not everyone is as strong as you. You have a way with just dropping people who do you wrong. Anthony was all you knew for years, and after he wouldn't get it together, you moved on. Then when Jimmy was acting weird, you almost did the same to him. Brian has to be reassured that you need him, and he's just scared that if he fucks up, you'll just move on." Michelle said. Laura was just annoyed and irrational, so instead of listening to Michelle, she just drowned her out.

"Who the hell are you to come in here and try and tell me how to make a relationship with Brian work when you couldn't even do that? And I love how you're acting like you've known me for all my life when you don't know a damn thing. But you are right about one thing; if you drag me down, I'll drop you in a damn second and be done with you forever. Just like I'm done with this conversation. Next time you and Brian come up with a great plan to talk to me, don't waste your time and breath coming over here." Laura said, going into the bathroom and slamming the door. The shower turned on shortly after. Michelle walked back into the living room, going to leave.

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