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Quick shout out to Tori Youssef, sweet_vengeance, and JodiVengeance6661 for always reading my stories and voting for them :D

Laura was watching some terrible reality TV show. All the boys were practicing before their show. Val walked into the room and stopped; she looked between Laura and the TV and decided she needed help.

"Want to come with me?" Val asked. 

"Uh huh." Laura answered, mindlessly looking at the TV. She finally got up and followed Val. 

"I was worried you were brainwashed for a second." Val said, looking back at her.

"I think I was." Laura said while they walked to the front. They grabbed their keys and sun glasses and phones and wallets and headed out. Val got into the Tahoe and Laura climbed in the passenger side. "Where are we going?" Laura asked.

"Just around." Val answered.

"Oh. I see. Have to make that money, huh?" Laura said, lifting her eye brows. After a bit Val pulled up to an aquarium. 

"I figured since we haven't done anything fun we should get out." Val said. 

"Hell yeah." Laura said, jumping out. Val soon learned that a lot of marine creatures scared Laura. Like sharks, and whales, and weird fish and big turtles. But she did enjoy the penguin. They went to the Zoo next and Laura liked it a little more. She got really excited about a lot of the animals and even got a cute stuffed alpaca. Val knew the next place Laura would get really excited about. 

"That was fun. Where to now?" Laura asked.

"Well, I figured lunch." Val said. 

"I can never turn down lunch." Laura said; as soon as she said that, Val's phone rang. Laura figured it was Matt, as she was calling the person babe. She invited them to lunch to and got off the phone.

"Was that Matt?" Laura asked.

"No, it's Pierre." Val joked. 

"Nice." Laura answered. She got on her phone while Val drove to the restaurant. When they pulled up it was a pretty nice restaurant that was very modern mixed with rustic. Val got a table for seven, so Laura figured Michelle wasn't coming. The host showed them to their table and they sat by each other. Soon after, five guys in black came in and took up the rest of the table. Brian made sure to get ahead of everyone so he could sit by Laura. She smiled at him once she noticed he had sat beside her. 

Jimmy had noticed and gave Brian a glare. 

"Where's Michelle?" He asked, just to keep Brian in line. 

"I don't keep tabs on her." Brian said, reaching across the table to dip his bread into the sauce. 

"Do you guys have to be back after lunch?" Val asked. 

"We just have to be back at four." Matt answered.

"Oh, great. We just have one more stop. You guys would probably like it." Val said. The guys didn't really care. They would go wherever the girls went. They all enjoyed a good lunch and had barely pilled into the Tahoe. Brian, Matt, and Zacky decided to pile in the back, three seater, and they were having a hard time.

"Well, when you three got in, did you think it was a good idea then to all fit in the back?" Laura asked, after many minutes of their bickering.

"Well why don't you come back here, then, sweetheart." Zacky said. Laura turned ridiculously red and stopped talking. Val and Brian chuckled at her lack of response. Val drove into a set of gates and Laura read the sign.

"A botanical garden?" Laura asked, trying to hide her excitement. She kept peering out the window. 

"Does she like gardens?" Brian asked, dumbly. 

"Yes." Jimmy answered. Before Val shut the car off, Laura was hopping out of the car. She almost didn't wait for everyone as she made her way in. She stopped to look up at every tree, examine every leaved plant, and adore every flower. 

Brian watched her block everyone out since she was in a place she liked so much. He hadn't seen this side of her. When she sang in the studio she was close to this, but not to this level. Also, he wasn't sure how she was doing since Anthony was gone. 

Jimmy, Val, Matt, Johnny, and Zacky watched Brian watch Laura. It was obvious from the way he looked at her what was going on in his head. Jimmy didn't like it one bit. More because Brian was still with Michelle. What kind of asshole tries to make moves on his sister when he's with his girlfriend of four years? Val saw it, but didn't want to. It was clear what Brian and Michelle had wasn't there much anymore, and Laura was taking that place. Val had never tried to be in her sister's love life since interfering with it could interfere with her and Matt. But if Brian wasn't more considerate of Michelle, she would have to say something. Also, Matt wasn't fond of it either. He wasn't pondering it at this point, but he didn't want a falling out of Michelle, Brian, and Laura. It almost involved everyone in the band. If Val and Matt took Michelle's side, then Jimmy wouldn't like it and if Matt took Laura's side, Val wouldn't like it. 

"Okay, it's time to go!" Jimmy said, having enough. Everyone was kind of relieved they didn't have to watch them anymore. Now they could go home and act like they hadn't seen anything. Everyone loaded back in the car and this time there wasn't as much conversation. 

After the show, the guys came back and took turns taking showers. Laura was taking up the couch, laying down. Matt and Val were on the recliner and Zacky, Jimmy, and Johnny were on the floor, resting their backs on the couch. The guys all chatted, and the three on the floor made sure to bother Laura since she was taking up the couch. 

A couple minutes later, Brian came in, and behind him was Michelle. She was talking to him, and he didn't look completely done with her, like Laura thought he should. He actually looked like he was listening. She went to the back, with him behind her, and changed out of her nice clothes; Laura wondered where she had been. She certainly hadn't been with Brian. 

Laura sat up. She was starting to feel her stomach drop. Johnny instantly moved from the floor to the couch. Then Brian and Michelle came back in the room and sat on the other side of Johnny. They sat with the rest of them and acted like everything was normal. 

It actually made Val and Jimmy more upset. How could he just go back and forth between them and expect no one to notice. Laura got up and went into the bunk room. She got in and shut the curtain behind her. She decided to watch a movie on her laptop, on her own. She was done with sitting with everyone and putting on a front that everything was great. 

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