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Even though Laura was still replaying the events over and over in her mind, and even though she was in no state to check on other people she still text Leana. She knew neither of them could muster up words through the tears.

Are you okay? 

Laura sent the message to Leana. It didn't take too long for Leana to answer her.

I don't think any of us are... 

It had only been a couple of hours since Laura and Brian learned that Jimmy had died. The first six hours Laura had locked herself away from Brian and wouldn't stop crying. Even though he wanted to comfort her so bad, he knew she needed some time to herself, and it was a bit evident since she locked herself in the bathroom and took an hour and a half shower to mask her crying. She had since calmed down and her and Brian were sitting on the couch in silence. He wanted to comfort her still, but he was also pretty bad off. They both seemed in a trance.

The trance seemed to last longer than a couple hours. Months later, Laura and Brian were still in their trance. Brian had went from severely depressed and upset to the mourning stage, where he cried a lot. He was beginning to come to terms with Jimmy's death and he was trying to get back to his old self, but Laura still worried him. 

Unlike him, who had went through his stages, she never did. She had barely spoken ten words to him since Jimmy's death, six months ago. She hadn't even cried anymore. She hadn't ate hardly anything, she hadn't spoken, she hadn't done anything. Brian had tried to help her, but he didn't want to push her too far. But even the guys were starting to come around. They had all been in the same state of shock, anger, and depression, but they were beginning to talk to each other now. It was forced and it wasn't much, but they all knew it was hard on everybody. 

They even started having small cook outs for just the seven of them, but Laura sat them out. She was trying to cope and get over things, but then the autopsy came back and she found out how Jimmy died. The sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach hadn't went away since. She always felt like she was going to be sick and she thought about things so much that she constantly had headaches. 

She couldn't bring herself to face anyone and Brian's constant attempts to help her only left her more hurt. She didn't want to put him through that but there was nothing she could make herself do to put him at ease. Brian was beginning to get upset again, thinking that Laura wasn't happy with him and that she would leave; she could sense this, and Brian also started making small comments about it. 

One night, while she was sitting on the couch, he had outright asked her if she was going to leave him. She gave him the same look that she had given him these past five months. He was sure she was thinking of lies to tell him, but she just said no, reassuringly. He didn't say anything else, so she got up and left the living room.

It was another month or two after that, that Brian invited the guys over to their home. They were taking turns having things at each of their houses, so they wouldn't get tired of the same scenery. Laura had hid in the bedroom before they came over. She watched from the window as they came over, one by one. They all looked a little older and some of them had let their hair and beards grow out. Everyone looked physically tired, but they also looked like the worst was over. 

Laura had to talk herself into it, but she left her room and walked downstairs. She slowly walked through the living room, hearing the guys having light conversation. She walked into the room and all eyes met her. Everyone was silent for a minute, not knowing what to say to Laura. She walked into the living room to be with them. Matt stepped to her first and hugged her. She began crying, but she was really fighting to keep calm. Val and Johnny and Zacky all embraced her too. She began crying more audibly, and they all stepped back to give her space.

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