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"Why did you tell, Laura?" Brian asked. She couldn't read his expression. His eyes weren't sad and he didn't sound angry. 

"Brian..." She sighed, almost lost for words. "What was I supposed to do? I wasn't going to let Jimmy fight you over something that's not even your fault; I wasn't going to let Jimmy fight you, period, but...  Michelle would have never told anyway." Laura told him. 

"Yeah, I know." Brian answered. He seemed like he didn't want to talk. He just kept staring at the floor. 

"Alright, I'll just go then." Laura mumbled lowly, so low he might not have heard her. She got up and went to exit the room, but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down. She looked at him, kind of shocked. 

"Thank you." He said. Laura wasn't exactly sure what for, but she had a good enough idea and didn't want to push it. 

"It's just me and you against the world, Bri." She said, leaning back and putting her arms behind her head.

"No, you're not in this anymore. You've done your part, so... Jimmy and them will keep giving you hell if things don't stop." Laura wasn't sure what he meant by that. 

"Look at me." She said, but he wouldn't. "What's wrong with you?" She pleaded. He had never acted like this. Even in his worse moments she could still get a small smile out of him. Now, nothing.

"Obviously, when I think about where I want to be in life, this isn't it. This is pretty much one of the worse feelings I've ever had. This entire thing has blown up and I don't want to drag you down with me." He told her, still looking at the floor. Her heart dropped. She knew a part of him was upset by what Michelle did, but she didn't realize it was a very large part of him. But, why wouldn't it be? He was trying so hard to make things great between him and then she went off and cheated on him. Then no one at all was supportive of Brian, and he had to keep it in to himself. Then Jimmy and Val blamed him for ruining his and Michelle's relationship and even when the truth came out, no one seemed to care. They just acted like they did before. And if that weren't the worse part of it, all of them were supposed to be basically his brothers. 

Laura reached over and grabbed his face, making him face her. He was so surprised he didn't pull away. 

"You are not dragging me down. None of this is your fault at all. All of them should be there for you, even if you were an asshole and cheated on Michelle. Friends are supposed to be there for you no matter how stupid your decisions are. I don't care what they want to say about us, I'm your friend and I'm here." She felt herself being moved forward, and Brian was embracing her before she realized he had pulled her to him. She hugged him back, tightly. 

"Why don't you get some sleep? It's been kind of hectic today. And I don't think Michelle's going to try and get in your bunk now." Laura said, lowly, to Brian. He nodded and walked off, climbing in his bunk, not even taking his shoes off. 

Laura went outside to wait for Jimmy. It made her angry to see someone like Brian so down. He had done nothing wrong to anyone and he had always been there and treated everyone great. 

It only took forty five minutes for Jimmy to walk up, and Laura's anger had almost subsided, but when she saw him it came back. He was walking with Johnny and Zacky. Laura went up to them and pulled Jimmy away by the wrist. 

"I need to talk to you." She said, walking away from the other two. They stared for a minute, but figured if Laura was that angry, they should get out of the way. "I think you owe Brian an apology." She said.

"I'm sorry, did I upset your boyfriend last night?" Jimmy asked.

"How about you just stop talking out your ass and listen to me? As of last night, I can assume that all of you now know about Michelle's new man. Which means, Brian never cheated on her. And just to clear things up, nothing has ever happened between me and Brian that hasn't happened between me and you." She told Jimmy. She did leave out the time they almost kissed, but hey. So what? "Brian has always been there for everyone of you and he has always treated you so well. He is in there, so upset because every one of you fucking turned your back on him. He tried to work things out with Michelle, but she didn't want to. Yes, I knew the whole time and I had to keep him from killing Mark on a few occasions, but now that it's all came out, you're still being a complete dick to him and Matt, Johnny, and Zacky aren't saying anything to him. You're supposed to be his brothers. If you ever cheated on Leana, Brian would be 100% behind you. He might say it was a shit thing to do, but he would still be your friend." Laura said in a couple of breaths. She went to walk off, because she could go on all day, yelling at Jimmy. "And also! Just for you to remember for the rest of your damn life. You have no business in acting like my father and telling me who I can't sleep with. Honestly, if I want to have Brian in my bunk, I will. You know I'm smart enough to make decent decisions. So stay out of things like that." Laura ended and walked off. 

She had no clue where she was going, but she wasn't going to end it by walking back onto the bus. She didn't even have her phone or anything. The only place she could go was the studio. Usually, Manny didn't lock up until a little later so maybe she could get there before hand.

He was there, and he only stayed there for thirty minutes before he left and locked the door behind him. She recorded for a little bit, but went to the computer to mix some music, but ended up shopping online for a little while. She was comfortable and oblivious to everything, until really loud knocking brought her out of her zone. She almost knocked over things on the desk when she jumped. She tried to slyly peak out the door and window to see who could possibly be knocking on a studio door at ten at night. In the reflection she saw tattooed arms. She looked, and sure enough it was Brian. 

"What are you doing? I thought I told you to get some sleep." She scolded, unlocking the door and letting him in. 

"We're going to the bar." Brian said, in a completely different mood. He seemed almost a little excited, something Laura hadn't seen him in a while. 

"And who is we?" She asked. 

"All of us." He answered simply.

"Forgive me if I've missed a big part of this story..." She began, but Brian smiled and began to explain. 

"Well, Val and Matt came around. They were sorry that they thought we had something going. And Zacky and Johnny said they honestly didn't care what I did, but they were just staying out of it. And, I don't know if you'll believe it or not, but Jimmy came and gave me the longest apology. He said he didn't care who I fucked. He even told me I could fuck you." Brian added, giving her a light hit on the arm.

"Okay, now that I don't believe." She said turning off the computer. 

"You know... We don't have to go to the bar. We could just go back to the bus..." Brian said. 

"You're such a creep when you're single." Laura said, hitting Brian. They made their way out of the studio and locked the door. They began to walk to the bar.

"Oh, I left my phone and bag at the bus." Laura said, stopping.

"I knew you couldn't resist, LC." Brian smirked, shaking his head. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, walking off in front of him.  

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