Trashed and Scattered

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Sorry I'm so sucky at a normal writing schedule. I've been thinking about this story, and I know I'm going to end it at chapter 30, and I know how it's going to end. But I don't know what to do with these next four chapters. But I'll wing it. Thank you for everyone who has read my story. If you have any ideas or want to see something happen before this story ends, feel free to put it in the comments and I'll try to incorporate it. 

It had been about a month since Laura and Brian had went public with their relationship. Everyone was getting used to them being in a relationship. Everything seemed to be going great for them. Except it wasn't. 

Recently, Brian had started acting like an ass and growing distant. He wanted to always go out with the guys, and it seemed like he was trying to get away from her as much as possible. She hadn't really addressed it, but she did let him know she wasn't happy about it.

Right now, he knew Laura would be on the bus, so he went to some VIP party backstage. It was only two in the afternoon, and she was sure he was getting drunk. After he left early that afternoon, Laura had to leave too. When she sat and thought about Brian, she would get angry. She, of course, went to the studio. She had been working on mixing music lately, and she was pretty good at it. A lot of people had actually sent her things to mix.

She had been spending a lot of her time at the studio, so when Val text her about a party they were having on the tour grounds, she decided to dip out and head over to the party. She could totally unwind and have a couple drinks. She walked back to the tour grounds and was greeted by Val, Leana, and a couple of their other friends they had made during the tour. They all chatted, except Laura; all she could do was drink with Brian across the lot. She couldn't stop looking at him, and him laughing with his friends and being care-free made her want to drink more. 

But nothing could compare to what she saw next; she wasn't even sure what she wanted to do or how she felt. All of her senses went numb. Val and Leana looked at Laura, wide eyed, scared to know what was going to happen next.

"I don't even know what she's doing here." Val said, angrily, standing up.

"Sit back down." Laura told her. Val had never heard Laura be so stern, so she did what she said. The last thing she wanted to do was make it worse. Val rubbed a hand down her face when she saw that Laura was walking towards Brian and Michelle. Brian looked up and saw the same thing too. But he looked way calmer than Val, like he expected this to happen.

"What is she doing here?" Laura demanded, looking Brian in the eye. She didn't care that there were a good amount of people around. She didn't care that Michelle was right there, looking offended. She wasn't going to back down.

Everyone moved away from them, sensing the tension, but Brian and Michelle didn't answer her.

"Go away." She told Michelle. Michelle thought about arguing back, but she saw the fury in Laura's eyes. She walked away with out a fight. Everyone was watching from afar, making sure to not get too close to Laura. They saw her step close to Brian.

"Is this a fucking game to you?" She hissed. She was talking lower, to not make a scene. "I've dealt with you acting like a coward for the past couple weeks, but this..." She trailed off, looking down. She didn't know whether to yell or cry. "If you don't want to be with me then have the balls to tell me, but don't make me look like an idiot in front of everyone. I thought I deserved a little bit better, coming from you." She said, then walked away. She saw Brian's face contort into different emotions. 

She went back to the bus, which was luckily empty. She angrily kicked her shoes off on her way to the back. She heard the front doors open and she saw Brian.

"Don't even try right now. You ignore me for two damn weeks and take it way too far, then you decide this is the best time to talk to me?" She said, raising her voice. 

"Well do you want to talk about it or not? What do you expect me to do?" Brian said. She wanted to calmly murder him. 

"I expect you to leave me alone, like you have been. Just leave me alone. Don't talk to me anymore." She said, trying to hold in her tears. She turned around to lock herself in the back room, but he grabbed her arm. She pushed him away, and he fell back, into something, hitting his head.

"Fuck, Laura! What the hell is wrong with you, calm down!" He yelled at her. 

"Why are you acting like you don't know why I'm pissed. I can take you ignoring me, but her?! Why? Why would you do that to me? And then in front of me, and everyone! I got the point that you didn't want to be together anymore, but you didn't have to bring her into it and parade it around in front of me. If you want to cheat, then at least try and hide it." She said, her muscles tense and shaking. She was now crying, but she was so angry she didn't know.

"I didn't cheat on you!" Brian cut in.

"Of course not; you can't when we're not even together! This isn't what a relationship is, Brian. I would work with you and fight for you over a lot of things, but not for this. I don't know why you did this, or what you expected to happen, but if this is some sort of test to see if I'll stick around, I won't." Laura wasn't yelling anymore, but she was crying more. 

"I-" Brian began, shaking his head, but Laura cut him off.

"Please don't say anything. Just leave me the hell alone. I can't do this anymore." She broke down in a full fit of crying and shaking. Brian reached out again for her and calm her down, but she pulled away.

"Stop, Stop! Get away from me! You can't keep hurting me and then expect for me to run to you. I thought you'd be different since you know what I've went through and since I tried to help you... But I guess I shouldn't expect things." She mumbled.

"Laura, I never cheated on you. I know I've been acting like... Well, there's no word bad enough. I- I don't know what got into me. I guess since I always ruin everything I tried to push you away because I know that if you get too close you'll just be disappointed in me. I couldn't make it work with Michelle and you're a way better woman than she will ever be. I just don't want the same things to happen again." Brian told her.

"Well if you do things like that you will ruin everything. You can't be scared to take risks because it didn't happen with one person. I'm not Michelle. I won't ever cheat on you..." She trailed off. Her and Brian sat in silence for a long time. It was close to an hour.

"So does that mean you're done with me? Are we over?" Brian asked. He looked upset. Laura hadn't looked at him much during their argument, but he looked kind of distraught. 

"I want to be." She said, getting up and leaving him. It upset him, but he wasn't sure what she meant. She hadn't said that they were done, which in his mind meant that he still had a chance. He was aware it was a small chance, but it was still one. 

He got up and lunged to where she had just disappeared to. He tried to open the bathroom door, but it was locked and he ended up running into it. He heard Laura say something, or make a noise, but it was muffled by him coming in contact with the door.

"I don't know what you meant by that, but hopefully I still have a sliver of a chance. I don't want you to be disappointed in me anymore, Laura. I'll make it up to you and show you that I'm capable of making good decisions. I won't hurt you anymore." He told her through the door. She listened to everything he had to say. 

"Okay." She mumbled back. Brian wanted to be disappointed by her answer, but he brought it on himself. He still expected her to say something but he heard the shower start and he knew she was finished talking.

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