Bad Girls Finish Last

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                             <link for the song Laura is singing in the studio if you want to listen. The singer Haley Reinhart is awesome. Lovefool is also really good!

"Gotta spend high all the time to forget I'm missing you." Laura finished. She was remaking 'Habits' for Boardwalk Empire, so she had to make it sound like it was recorded in the twenties. Laura wished all the guys would go away. They kept saying they never saw her anymore so they would drop into the studio once a week to hang around. She was already having a bad day. She was constantly under someones watch so she hadn't been able to do anything, which didn't disappoint her, but she was having withdrawal symptoms. 

"So you'll be there? Seven sharp?" Jimmy asked Laura. 

"Jimmy." She warned. He has asked her twelve times to come to dinner. Leana was finally about to join them on tour and Jimmy wanted them to all have dinner for the event.

"Seven." He said one more time, quickly leaving the studio so she couldn't make a smart comment. Matt and Val followed after Jimmy, leaving Zacky, Brian, Michelle, and Johnny in the studio with her. Laura tried to continue to record but everyone being there just made her frustrated and nervous. After she messed up a note on the piano, she stood up, leaving the studio and walking outside. The door closed behind her and she already knew who it was.

"You're going to make it right?" Brian asked. 

"Really? I already told Jimmy four fucking times that I would. I already told you the other day that this isn't your problem. Stop trying to deal with it. If Jimmy finds out all you have to do is act like you don't know." She said, picking herself up off the wall.

"I'm not worried about keeping this from Jimmy. I'm trying to help." He said. 

"Well nice guys finish last, Brian." She said. Midway through her sentence someone opened the studio door. The rest of the guys filed out the studio. Brian walked off before any of them, pissed off at what Laura had said. Johnny and Zacky thought he was just leaving so they followed him.

"What's going on between you and Brian?" Michelle asked. Laura wanted to sigh loudly and tell everyone to fuck off and deal with their own issues but she kept cool for Michelle.

"Unfortunately he knows something that I'm trying to keep from Jimmy about Anthony. He's freaking out because if Jimmy finds out he knew, he'd be upset. But it's not a problem. If anything happens he can just act clueless." Laura said. Michelle wanted to pry but she noticed Laura was acting strange and kind of feisty today. In plus, Michelle knew what it was like to keep secrets. She knew that Laura was extremely unpleased with Brian right now so she knew nothing could be happening. 

"Okay. Uh, we'll see you at seven." Michelle said, Laura nodding. 


Laura had actually been trying to stay away from Anthony. She didn't want to be messed up all the time and angry, having withdrawals. But he took it upon himself to find her. After being paranoid that someone would come on Avenged Sevenfold's bus and see how high Anthony was, she took him back to the roadie bus. 

"Where have you been?" He asked. 

"I've been busy, Anthony." She sighed. 

"You never call me that. Are you okay?" He asked, moving towards her. "You're really tense today too." He said. 

"I've got a lot on my mind and I don't think being out of it will help." She said before he could even shoot her up with anything. 

"What is your problem? Sit down. Stop stressing." He said, grabbing her shoulders and tried to move her around.

"Anthony! Just get off of me! I don't want to sit here and be a fuck up with you! You're not making anything better." She said, releasing her anger. She knew she was too angry, but she wouldn't take back anything she had said. 

"Fine, be a bitch! You never denied it for the past five months!" He said, storming off the bus. Laura sat there for a minute, taking a second to herself; she was tired of everyone's bitching and advice. She rubbed her face and checked the time. If she didn't leave soon she would be late, but she didn't want to stay for another minute. She got up and walked through the bus to see Anthony walk in.

"I love you, Laura. Which is why I'm not going to leave you. You can push me away all you want but I'll still be right here." He said, grabbing at her arms again. She pushed him back again. He looked at her in the eyes and picked her up, taking her to the back room. He was talking but she couldn't hear anything. She was so out of her head. She had no idea what was happening or what would happen and she was just trying to get away from Anthony. 

He threw her on the couch, blocking the door. 

"I'm not giving up on you." He said, finishing his half way incoherent talking.

"I don't want to be with you anymore. I don't want to be anywhere around you." She said, standing up, but he blocked her. 

"You don't mean that. You're just upset right now. Just sit down, lay down and relax." He said, trying to stay calm. She already knew he was going to try and get her to use as soon as she did calm down and give into him. But she wasn't today.

"No, I don't want to be with your junkie ass. You're crazy- get off of me!" She said, trying to push her way through him. He grabbed both of her wrist with one hand and tried to push her down with the other one. 

"Stop resisting!" He said, but that's the only thing he got out because Laura raised her knee as hard as she could against his groin. He groaned and fell over, freeing her. She tried to make a break for it but he caught her foot and pulled her down and back to him. She turned around, grabbing his face and hitting it against the coffee table. She didn't break a bone or anything but she did bruise his nose and cause him to bleed. She fumbled up and ran for the door.

She ran onto the bus and grabbed the first nice shirt she saw and then ran out, knowing he would look there for her. She briskly walked to the restaurant they were all supposed to meet at. She quickly changed her tops, luckily having a tank top on underneath. 

She walked into the restaurant twenty minutes late. Jimmy saw and he stood up, going over to her before she could make it to the table.

"I thought you said you would be here at seven." Jimmy pressed. He usually wasn't this hard on his sister but she had been acting out of character lately and the one time he wanted her to come through she didn't. 

"I'm sorry, something came up, but I-" She began but Jimmy cut her off.

"What you tried? That's not good enough. The one time I've ever asked you for something you didn't come through. You need to realize everything is not about you all the time." He said. Anger flared up inside of her.

"Everything is about me? Are you kidding? Why am I even here? Because of you. I came on this tour because of you, everyone is here because of you. You are so caught up in yourself and your own life that you don't realize how fucked up and stressed I've been. And clearly me showing up twenty minutes late is more important than me even showing up so I'll leave you and your little fucking family alone." She said, turning and leaving before he could even say anything else. 

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