White Noise

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To Laura's dismay, she was in the studio for the day. She really had to talk her self out of sitting in all day and watching Sailor Moon on her laptop. Work was piling up, but the covers were calling her name. 

To make matters worse, Manny was busy with someone else in the studio so she had to take her discs to the post office and mail them and do all the errands he, or someone he assigned, would do. She wanted to just be lazy and give up and go back, but she saw the deposit from her last couple projects. She went to get something to eat, and went back to the studio, ready to work a little. 

Laura left the studio at 9:30. They had put in a lot more work than they thought. She went to the back and changed out of her work attire into comfy clothes. The bus was packed, so Laura decided to go outside; it felt great outside anyway. 

It was only a couple minutes before Brian came out. He came right over to Laura and sat beside her. Laura noticed Jimmy and Matt peek out of the bus at them.

"Um, Brian. I don't think we should be seen together so much." Laura said.

"I don't give a damn. They can stare all they want." Brian answered. It was clear he was in a bad mood, so she didn't press any further. He didn't say anything else, but just kept rubbing his face and trying to calm his anger.

"What happened?" Laura finally asked, quietly. 

"She's in there texting him, in front of everyone. And it's like she's trying to make it known, too. She keeps smiling and wont put her damn phone down for two seconds. I think she's trying to get back at me for last night." Brian explained.

"Just stay away from her. You probably made her so happy, punching him last night. She knows she's still getting to you." Laura told him. 

"I'm going to punch her if she doesn't stop." Brian grumbled. He wasn't serious, just annoyed.

"$100 bucks." Laura betted. Brian rolled his eyes, shaking his head. Laura had finally gotten his mind off Michelle. She wanted to keep it that way so she began talking to him about some of the songs she had recorded. He lightened up and began talking back. After a couple people left the bus, Laura figured it was bed time. She had been tired all day and wanted nothing more than her bed. 

"I'm about to go to bed. I'm super tired." She said, standing up.

"Thank you, Laura. I don't know what I would do if you weren't here." Brian said, seriously. 

"Probably punch Michelle in the throat, and I would be very upset, because I want to be here for that." Laura said, messing with Brian. He smiled. "Just stay away from her. She'll get tired of playing." Laura said, giving Brian a small high five. He held her hand for a little bit after wards. They had gotten more comfortable around each other. They wouldn't freak out now if one of them touched the other; if Brian was sitting by Laura and his hand touched her leg or something, neither of them would move. 

Laura pulled her hand away, feeling a little awkward and walked inside. 

"No one's in the bunk rooms, right?" Laura asked Val.

"No! And if someone is, tell me and I'll kick them out." Val said. Laura nodded and made her way back there. 

"What were you two talking about?" Jimmy asked from his bunk. Leana was laying with him and he had his arm wrapped around her. He thought if he called her out in front of people, they would start catching on too.

"Just normal adult things. Cause, you know. We're adults. And we can have adult conversations." Laura prodded. She wanted to let him know that she was grown and could talk to whoever she wanted. Also, with using the word adult so much, she was hoping Jimmy would act like one too. She closed her curtain before he could say anything else.


Val and Laura were sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn in between them. They were watching some comedy. They were talking a little through out the movie. Val noticed the guys would be back soon. 

"Um, I don't really want to, but I have to ask. What's going on with you and Brian?" Val asked. Laura almost stopped breathing. Her heart began to pound. She thought about it for a minute, but nothing had happened between them, except for the other night. But Brian was drunk and angry. He wanted to get back and Michelle and stop feeling lonely. Other than that, every guy on the bus had been as physical with her as Brian. They've all accidentally touched her arm or leg if they were on the couch together, or they would put their arm around her neck randomly. There was really nothing to hide. Laura's heart rate just rose at the mention of Brian's name.

"Nothing. We're friends. He's been going through some emotional issues. And I'm able to talk him into calming down or get his mind off of it. He did the same for me with Anthony." Laura answered. 

"Well, he is with Michelle. That's what girlfriends are there for. To help their boyfriends out. I just don't want her getting upset and then Jimmy gets upset, then Matt." Val said. Laura still knew that Val believed they had something going.

"If a friend asks me to be there for them, I will be. I'm not going to do anything to hurt Michelle. I know that her and Brian are together. And Brian's not that bad of a guy. He wouldn't do that to Michelle, either. So everyone can calm down about it. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to make you mad, but I'm not going to stop being friends with someone because everyone makes up stuff in their head. Brian knows his priorities." Laura said. Val was quiet for a minute. They didn't have to sit in silence much longer, because the guys came back. And to make matters a little worse, Brian sat by Laura. She still talked to him, which only caused questioning stares. 

Laura had been laying down for hours now. Matt and Jimmy's stares got the best of her and she went off to the back to be alone. She had drifted in and out of sleep a bit, but she couldn't fall into a real sleep. She was jolted awake when her curtain slid, loudly, open. Brian peeked in.

"Sorry, I couldn't sleep. Michelle came back to take up the bunk. I don't want to be near her." Brian said, sitting on the floor next to her bunk. 

"I can't sleep either." She said sitting up. They talked for a little bit, quietly, but she was growing paranoid that someone was up listening. She heard one of the guys snore loudly out of no where, which scared her even more. 

"Why don't you sleep in my bunk? I'm actually going to go to the studio. I can't stop thinking about all the work piled up. And I'm always so tired after I get back." She said, getting up. 

"No, you shouldn't be out this late." Brian argued, standing up.

"We're in one of the best areas in the state. I'll be fine. Obviously, I'm going to lock it when I get there. And that way I can stay here most of tomorrow." Laura added, throwing on a large cardigan. "Go ahead and sleep, Brian." She almost scolded. 

"You're my favorite." He said, laying down, getting under the covers. After she walked off he heard her close her curtain. She was pretty sure he fell asleep a few minutes after she left. 

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