Free Bird

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I updated the cast! I picked Carah Faye Charnow, but I prefer her with long blonde hair and the side not shaven. Also, I have picked Frank Iero for Anthony. I also prefer him with his long hair, but you can't turn down Frank Iero either way ;) If you don't like the cast just imagine someone else there! Thank you for reading!


Laura had been dreading seeing Anthony today. Not only was he still probably mad at her from the other day, she left him a lot of drunk messages last night, so she knew he was annoyed too. Her phone went off beside her. She opened the message from Anthony. 

I'm up if you wanted to talk for a minute. I have to go soon though. 

She quickly made her way over to him, knowing that he might change his mood. She saw him and slowed her pace, now nervous and not sure what she would say.

"Hey..." She said. 

"Hey, babe." He said, grabbing her hand and leaning back, sitting on the steps. 

"You're not mad anymore?" She asked quietly.

"I'm still a little upset. But that's my problem. I- I don't know why I acted like that. Yesterday, Brian just surprised me so I was already defensive. And then you threw it in my face on how you got me this job, like I wouldn't have shit if it wasn't for you. Then I knew you were getting drunk with God knows who. It's not a secret that guys fall for you after five minutes. And it's not like you'll be with me forever." He went on slowly.

"What? What the hell does that mean?" She asked, pulling her hand away from his. She wasn't sure if her heart stopped beating or if it was beating rapidly. 

"I know how you are-" He began.

"How I am? What are you implying? I'm a slut?" She asked. She was confused and frantic and saying anything that came to her head.

"No, Laura. That's not what Im saying." He sighed. "You're different than anyone I've ever met. You're nothing but yourself and if someone doesn't want to be in your life then you're fine with them going away. That scares me; how independent you are. You don't need me at all and when you find a better guy than me you'll be gone." He said.

"Shut up." She said, shocked. "I can't believe you think of me this way. All I thought about when I was gone was you. You were my reason for coming here. All I've thought about for the last year is getting back to Newport so I could be with you and start our life." She said. Tears started welling in her eyes and making their way out. 

"Laura, don't." Anthony said. She was always so sensitive when she fought with anyone. She couldn't help it. She moved away from him, turning away and trying to keep her crying to a minimum. "Laura, I'm not leaving you. Don't think that. I don't think I'd ever have the strength to do that. I just had to tell you what I was thinking. And I'd gladly let you prove me wrong." He said, sending her a light smile. 

"Anthony, set up; let's go!" Someone yelled behind him.

"I don't have to go if you don't want me to. I can nicely ask this time." He said, trying to kid with her.

"It's okay." She said, shaking her head. 

"Babe, please don't be sad. We're fine now. Like I said I just had to tell you what I was thinking, because it was making me be mean to you." He said, putting his hand on her shoulder and ducking to be face level with her.

"Yeah, I know." She wiped away tears, looking away. "It's fine. I just... You know me." She sighed. He nodded and kissed her cheek. 

"Please don't be sad. I'll see you when I'm done." He said. She nodded again, watching him walk off. She turned on her heels, going back to the bus to wallow in her misery. 

"Hey, kid. Show in thirty. Are you ready to rock?!" Jimmy asked, with his drum sticks flying in the air. 

"No, thanks. Not tonight." She said, not bothering to look at anyone and went to the back. They heard her curtain to her bunk slide shut and they all exchanged looks.

"I'm just going to go check on her." Jimmy said.

"No, don't. We got it. You guys have a show. Besides, maybe she'll be happy knowing the girls have her back." Val said. Everyone had caught the feeling that Laura felt left out or didn't want to be there. 

"Laura?" Val asked, sweetly. "Are you okay?" She asked. Laura pulled the curtain open to see Michelle and Val, who were both relieved to see she wasn't crying.

"Yeah. Sorry. I just didn't feel like being around five thousand people." She said. They could still tell she was upset. 

"Well. We kind of don't want to either. How about we all stay in and watch some good ole' chick dramas?" Michelle asked, breaking the ice. Val looked over at her sister, surprised at her. Michelle had been on the fence the whole time about how close Laura was to the guys, when she really wasn't that close at all. But she was new and considering all the hate Val and Michelle had gotten so far, she was just trying to protect both of them.

"Okay.." Laura agreed. She didn't know Michelle very well, but she had went out on a limb and tried to comfort her; she couldn't turn her down. 

"I'll make the popcorn!" Val almost yelled, excited that the two of them may get along. Michelle, sighed, shaking her head then smiling at how corny Val was. Laura smiled a little at Michelle's reaction.

"Come on." Michelle said, walking into the room with the biggest TV and most comfortable chairs. They picked a drama, then went to get snacks. 

They sat on the couch with layers and layers of covers, sodas, popcorn, chips, and candy. 

After the first movie and letting Laura sit in her pity, the decided to put in a comedy. It had only been on for a little bit when the guys came back in, all showered and in shorts or sweat pants and normal t-shirts. They all filed into the room with the girls. Matt kissing Val on the head, sitting on the arm rest. Brian sat by Michelle, pulling her closer to him. Jimmy sat on the floor in front of Laura, making sure to sit on her feet to mess with her. Zacky sat beside her, stretching his elbows and hitting her and getting in her way on purpose. Johnny took the recliner and stretched out.

The guys watched the movie with them, laughing loudly with the movie and just acting crazy. Laura laid her head back, taking it all in as the guys talked and laughed with the girls. She smiled at something Johnny said; she was kind of glad she came now. They had all tried to make her feel better, even though they would never admit it. She wanted to be more sad about Anthony at the moment, but she couldn't around these people.

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