The Storm Before the Calm

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Brian wouldn't stop staring at Laura. She took another gulp of her drink and giggled at something Manny said. They had been spending a lot of time together lately. Of course, it didn't help that Matt and Jimmy liked him and invited him to everything. Also, Zacky, who was beginning to like him as well, was over there talking to the two of them. 

Laura sat at the high top table by Manny and Zacky. She bit on her fingernail and went through her phone as she finished off her drink. For some reason, Laura going through her phone made his stomach twist. It reminded him of what he recently found on Michelle's phone. He should have saw it coming, and he somewhat did, but since he tried harder to be good to her it hurt more. 

He noticed Laura get up and go over to the bar. She effortlessly looked nice in her beige cable knit sweater, ripped light blue skinny jeans, and her gray lace up boots. He watched as the bartender made her a new drink and pointed to another guy, who obviously paid for her drink. He lifted his drink to her and she just raised her eye brows and turned away with the drink. He did look a little douchy. 

Brian could hear Michelle and Val talk and Johnny and Matt would say something every now and then, but he wasn't paying attention. After a while everyone caught on that he wasn't in the mood. After all, he had been in a bad mood for a couple of days. The guys tried to give him his space, but they also tried to cheer him up. He knew they would ask what was wrong soon. Besides them, no one else really noticed, or cared. He knew Laura had noticed, but he basically shut her out so she wasn't going to bother with him.

After a couple minutes, the three of them joined Matt, Brian, Val, and Michelle. 

"Does anyone need another drink?" A woman who worked at the bar asked, clearing the empty cups off the tables. Most everyone wanted another.

"Can I have a burger? Do you sell food?" Laura asked, looking at the woman.

"We do, do you want fries?" The woman asked.

"Of course I do. Thank you." She said and the woman walked off to get refills and place Laura's order. Before long her food came out and she was the only one at the table, and the only woman in the entire bar, eating a burger. Manny had walked off, but to Brian's dismay had came back and sat by Laura, stealing her fries. She got mad at him and he left the table, going to converse with the others.

Her and Brian were the only ones left at the table, but she was so engulfed with her fries she almost didn't notice. Brian knew he should have kept quiet but he had drank a good amount of heavy stuff and his anger was weighing on him. 

"So. You and Manny have been spending a lot of time together." Brian said. 

"Well, the guys like him." She answered, not looking up from her fries. 

"Is that all?" Brian asked.

"What are you suggesting? I record with him and he's put me in a better mood. I can't help that Matt invites him to everything we do. But that's all." She said, getting annoyed with Brian's new persona. She was now looking at him, waiting on what he was about to say. She knew it wouldn't be good.

"Well, we all know you get to record at the studio for free. I guess we're finding out why now." He said, sipping his beer and looking off. She knew he had no limits tonight, but it still stunned her. 

"You've got me all figured out, Brian." She said, in a bored tone, getting up and leaving him alone. She almost wanted to order five more drinks to get him out of her mind, but she knew he would notice. She found another table in a corner and Zacky and Leana ended up joining her and talking with her. 

"You could at least wait until I'm gone to do that." Michelle said, angrily beside him.

"I thought you were gone." Brian said, not hiding his drunkenness. Michelle scoffed.

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