Moving On

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The next couple of weeks, Brian and Laura tried to work at their relationship. They didn't talk much, though. They didn't want to talk about the things that had happened, but they were usually seen beside each other. All the others on the bus tried so hard to talk a lot and be positive around them, hoping it would rub off on them. 

They were all currently eating dinner at a nice restaurant. Brian and Laura were sitting together, but not talking much. Val and Matt were chatting a lot, trying to include everyone. They joined in a little bit, but not much. Laura had said a couple things, and Brian got excited that she was actually talking, so he started talking a lot. But Laura didn't saw much after that and Brian got discouraged again, and went back into his shell. Everyone else noticed and they conversed among themselves, growing discouraged too. After everyone was done, they all got up and went outside to the car.

"Want to go get ice cream?" Laura asked Brian, quietly. 

"You're still hungry after that?" Brian asked, but then he realized that Laura had actually talked, to him for that matter, and she wanted to be alone with him. "Yeah, let's go." He added quickly. They walked along the side walk as the sun set. Brian slide his hand into Laura's and she didn't drop it. They walked up to the ice cream hut and both ordered something. 

They got their frozen treats and walked down the path more. Brian ate half of his and threw it out. 

" I know I've been a little quiet lately. I just, um, have been thinking about a lot of things." She told him. He listened intently since she hadn't said much lately.

"Like what?" He asked, interested. 

"I'm not going to lie. I've been thinking about that night we got in the big fight a lot." She began.

"Laura, I can't say sorry enough for that." Brian cut her off.

"Just let me finish, alright?" She cut him off. He nodded and she continued. "I've thought about that and also what happened at the bar too. I'm not going to say I'm completely over what happened, but I do want to try and move on and forget about it. I want to try things again, but only if you'll actually try. I just... I can't get hurt again, but I don't want to give up on you." She told him.

"I want to kiss you so bad right now." Brian said, trying to contain his excitement.

"Then do it; show me how you really feel. Don't hide it." She had barely got it out when he shut her up with a kiss. He cupped her face and gave her a firm, sweet kiss. She put her hand on his, not able to hold him with the other because of her popsicle. He pulled away but gave her another peck.

"I won't let you down this time. I'll do everything I can to keep you and to keep you happy." He told her. 

"I-. Never mind." Laura said.

"I love you." Brian said. She looked surprised. Even though it was what she was going to say, she was still surprised that he felt that way too. "I love you so much. I don't want things to ever be the way they were. I want to be with you every day. You're the most amazing person I've ever known." Laura hugged Brian, and he hugged back. "And it helps that you're ridiculously attractive." 

"Stop complimenting me. I can't take this many." Laura told him. 

"Okay, then. I love you." He said. She let go of him and began walking. "I'm going to say that a lot. I love you." He said, following her.

"You're making me regret things already." She told him, sarcastically. 

"I still love you." He said.


Laura was on the bus, sitting in the front with her computer, mixing music. Val was there, but she was on her phone, probably answering messages and calls. She had her ear phones on so she couldn't hear much, but she got a little nervous when the bus started moving. She realized it was only the guys, literally jumping into the bus. She took her ear phones off just in time to get a kiss on the temple from Brian.

"I was going to talk to you about something." He said.

"That's my favorite sentence." She answered, getting up and following him into the back. He went to the back and sat down on the couch, stretching out. "So what did you want to talk about?" She asked, getting impatient. 

"Well. I." He began but did a small chuckle. "I almost don't want to say it." 

"Brian, you're making me nervous!" She said. 

"Don't be." He pulled her down beside him. "I was just going to ask about our living arrangements when we get back. I know you have your house in Newport and I'm renting in Huntington, but that's kid of far away." He said.

"What do you purpose?" Laura asked. She was a little nervous about this talk. Was he trying to say they may have to have a long distance relationship.

"I don't know. I was going to see what you said. I mean I guess I could keep renting from there. I just didn't know if since you had a house if you wanted me to keep on renting." He rambled. 

"What, like move in with me?" She asked. He looked at her, trying to see what her expression was. 

"No. No, that's asking too much." He muttered, brushing it off. 

"So you wouldn't want to?" She asked. He looked at her again, searching for her expression. "Just tell me what you want." She told him.

"Yeah, I wanted to. I want to be with you every chance I can." He told her.

"Then move in with me." She said, rubbing his arm. "Now, don't be upset if there's still some of Anthony's stuff there." She added. He knew she didn't have a chance to get rid of it yet. 

"We'll burn that shit." He said. 

"Or we could just throw it away. I mean either is effective. I don't know." She mumbled, shrugging. 

"No. We're burning it." He said, turning on the TV. 

I wanted this chapter to be a bit longer, but I couldn't think of anything else and I'm super tired. I'm going to try and write chapter 29 tomorrow, but it may be the beginning of next week before I can get it out, but I should have the story finished next week. Thank you guys for reading and I hope I haven't let you down with any of the chapters! Just a fair warning, the last chapter may somewhat suck, but I promise to end it well. Once again, thanks for reading!

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