Written in the Stars

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Thanks to MirandaJenkins8 for commenting on a couple of my chapters! I'm uploading a lot because of you. ( and I hope you like this one in particular ;) I'll try to update tomorrow too) 

"Really, Michelle?!" Laura heard Brian almost screech. She sat up, rubbing her eyes. She heard Brian continue. She grabbed her bra and shorts and slipped them on. She would always take them off at night, but keep them in her bunk. She got out of the bunk, walking into the front of the bus quickly, yawning. She didn't know what Brian was yelling about, but she wanted to make sure he wasn't killing something. Or Michelle.

Laura stopped when she walked in, almost wanting to back out, but Michelle had spotted her. And so had Mark. There he was, actually on the bus. Laura assumed no one else was on there with them; they probably would be in the front by now. And Michelle wouldn't be stupid enough to show him off to everyone. Brian looked back to see what they were looking at. He softened up for a millisecond. Laura was standing behind him in her over sized t-shirt, with her hair looking a mess. She looked so tired, but also wired. 

"Oh, great. She's here." Michelle said. She had caught onto Brian's little crush on her, but Laura just thought she was being rude.

"What the hell does she have to do with this?! This is all you, a hundred percent, you! I went along with your fucking game and made it seem like everything was fine, and then you try and bring him here! Both of you, get fucking lost!" Brian yelled. Laura hadn't seen him this angry in a while. 

"I live here too, Brian." Michelle said. 

"Yeah, but you're not about to make it your little whore house. If you want to keep doing this then I'll go ahead and tell Val." Brian said. Michelle glared at Laura out of the corner of her eye, and then smirked. 

"Yeah? Well I could just tell her how you're little crush-" Michelle started.

"Don't even start with that shit, Michelle. This is between you and me. You can't keep blaming everyone for your stupid mistakes. I don't care anymore, but don't act like you can flaunt him every where. You asked me to not tell, so I'm not. But if you're going to be lewd about it, then I'll just end it all." Brian said. Michelle was fuming and she was searching for what to say. She finally just rolled her eyes and left, with Mark behind her. 

Brian sighed and rubbed his eyes. This whole thing with Michelle had become exhausting. He prepared himself to face Laura. She had heard what Michelle was starting to say; surly she knew where Michelle was going. He turned to her and she looked like a deer in headlights. 

"I probably shouldn't have came and seen what all the yelling was..." She said. Maybe she didn't know what Michelle was about to say. 

"I'm so tired of her." Brian said, and did something he had been wanting to do for a while. He didn't really think what Laura would do. He reached around and hugged her, bringing her in for a deep embrace. She kind of froze, but loosely put her arms around him.  She didn't like getting too close to him. It only lead her on. But she knew he was upset. 

"Brian... Why do you let her treat you like that? Just tell everyone. We're all adults. If she made the decision to be with him, then she should do so, and stop acting other wise." Laura said. 

"Not everyone's like you, LC. Some people aren't adults, clearly." He said. Right before Jimmy walked in, Brian dropped his arms and walked away from her. 

As Jimmy walked in, he saw the last second of it. He came in slowly, narrowing his eyes, trying to figure out what was going on. Laura raised her eye brows at him, standing her ground, then turned around and walked off. 

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