Rick's Bar Cafe'

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"Where did Laura go?" Val asked.

"She went to get ready." Jimmy answered, throwing away all the plates and napkins.

"I should let her know we're here." Val said, moving to get up.

"I got it. I have to get dressed and get some picks anyway." Brian said, standing before Val could. Matt had finally came in and sat beside her, talking with everyone so Brian wanted them to continue. Besides he did really have to grab some stuff.

"Laura, are you naked? Because I'm coming in anyway." Brian yelled through the bus.

"Brian!" Michelle said.

"You know I'm kidding." He said back to her.

"Don't scare her off before the first show." Michelle answered. Laura opened the door that led to the back, peeking out.

"What?" She asked. Everyone smiled, kind of happy she didn't hear Brian's creepiness.

"We're here, princess." He said. She stepped out, in light washed, high wasted shorts, a dark green tank top with lace on the back, and white converse.

"We stopped?" She asked. He nodded and she bolted towards the door, jumping off the bus and looking for Anthony. He was unloading some of the stuff. She jogged over to him, standing beside him. He smiled, giving her a quick hug and kiss. She smiled, taking in his fragrance and soft lips.

"I wish I could drop this shit and go off with you, but we won't be done for another twenty minutes." He said, helping the Berry's and some other guys pick up a really heavy box.

"Okay. Call me when you're done." She said, kissing his cheek and leaving before she distracted them anymore. As she walked past the guy's bus, they all exited, about to check out the stadium. Jimmy wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her along with them. They talked and made their way to the stage, just to see what the set up would be.

"What do you think?" Jimmy asked.

"It's giant." Laura answered, looking around.

"Way bigger than Rick's Bar Cafe', huh?" Jimmy asked. She smiled, thinking about the guys first venues. All the other guys smiled too.

"Oh my God, Rick's Bar Cafe'..." Matt smiled. "That was the summer right after high school. Laura worked at this record store that also sold a ton of other stuff. We tried to make her quit and hang out and drink with us but she wouldn't. And when we had spent all of our money on beer and Rick asked for a $125 deposit, she came through for us." Matt explained.

"Anything for you guys." She smiled lightly, blushing and trying to change the subject. She didn't know Johnny and Michelle very well, and she hadn't seen Val in a while; she didn't want them to think of her as a kiss ass or anything. After everything was unloaded, everyone but the girls set up, so the guys could practice. 

"So you finished college?" Val asked, sitting in some seats in the stadium. Michelle sat on one side and Laura sat on the other side of Val. 

"Yes. All done." Laura answered, looking around. 

"Are you going to be able to record while on tour with us?" Val asked.

"Record?" Michelle asked.

 "Um, people over soundtracks for films usually ask me to remake a song or even sing one of theirs they've already written. Or, like in The Hunger Games, they had that one song, but they mixed my voice and Jennifer Lawrence's voice." Laura explained. Michelle nodded, interested. "And yes, I should be able to as long as there is a studio around. But they usually give me months notice so it won't be too bad. I finished most of them before I left school." Laura answered. The girls had a good talk, but it only lasted a few minutes before the guys started playing.

Laura hadn't seen them play in a while so she watched for a bit while Anthony stood impatiently by her. She loved watching them practice because everyone was so playful. Jimmy always added more drums and Zacky and Brian both added more guitar and stuff, when not needed. Matt would drag out some of the lyrics and play with the vocals. Even Johnny would go crazy on the bass just to play around. Laura was tore away from the stage when Anthony basically pulled her away from the stadium, heading to the buses. 

Laura moved closer to Anthony. He took her in, hating that he missed so much time with her. Her hair was sticky and sweaty considered what they had just done for the second time since they saw each other again. 

"I wish I could stay with you." She said. 

"Me too. I don't like you being around all guys, that aren't me." He said. He was kidding but she still knew there was some truth to it.

"My brother wouldn't let anything happen, not that anything would with those four. And the girls are there too. If I stayed with you I wouldn't know any of those guys." She said. 

"There you are." A voice spoke, making them both look up. "We have to get everything packed back up. All the guys have already started." Brian said to Anthony. 

"You came all the way out here to tell me that? Why didn't you just help them?" Anthony asked. He never really had an attitude so it didn't come off too mean. 

"Dude, that's what we're paying you for. I'm glad that you get to see LC, but you can't get any special treatment. It's not fair to the others." Brian said, keeping cool.

"It's Laura..." Anthony said, not liking that Brian used the name Jimmy called her. "Can't you just cut me some slack for once? I work my ass off all the time for you." Anthony said, getting more angry.

"Anthony. Go." Laura spoke up, not believing he was acting like that. 

"So, you're going to take his side now?" Anthony asked, shaking his head, then walking off.

"Sorry. He's never been like that." Laura said, standing up and flattening out her shirt. 

"Eh. He has his days. I'm going to go help." Brian said walking off. Laura was left feeling bad. Not only was her boyfriend already mad at her after one day, but he also pissed Brian off too. She didn't like stepping on toes but she was already stepping on feet. 

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